Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 662 Chapter 673: Killing you while you are sick

Chapter 662 Chapter 673: Killing you while you are sick
"Just a veil, what do you want to prove?"

From the initial anger, Yun Feiyue calmed down slightly, and looked at Sheng Qinglian in front of her coldly!

If it is said that she apologized to Sheng Qinglian at the beginning and had a certain affection for him, then now she completely despises him. This lofty son, Sheng Qinglian, seems to be noble, but he is the same person as Nangong Pingyang !
Really shameless to the extreme: "I really don't know if the Holy Son's face is still there?"

Hearing this, seeing the disdain on Yun Feiyue's face, he could only see Sheng Qinglian's heart aching. From her eyes, he could see that she had completely given up on him!

This... is not what he wants!

However, he has no way to resist!
His eyes were filled with deep sadness: "Crimson Moon!"

"To shut up!"

He snorted coldly: "You are not worthy of being so intimate with me. You, Sheng Qinglian, are not qualified!" As she spoke, she gathered all the spiritual energy in her body, and suddenly her figure exploded, with a strong killing intent, fiercely It fell towards Sheng Qinglian: "Burning the land seal!"

With that yell!
Sweeping away with a terrifying momentum...

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed slightly...

"Crimson Moon!"

Sheng Qinglian didn't expect Yun Feiyue to kill as soon as she said, so she was not in a hurry, she could only prop up a barrier quickly, and reluctantly took her ultimate move!
Rao is so!

Sheng Qinglian's figure was still forced to take a few steps back, her chest twitched...

With a 'poof' sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out fiercely, staining his skirt red.


Seeing Yun Feiyue's disrespect and hurting Sheng Qinglian, Yue Shengnv was full of hatred in her heart: "Yun Feiyue, even if you don't like him, you can't be so desperate, you really You thought the Holy Son was someone you could bully!"

"Ha, I've already been bullied, so what about you!"

"Crimson Moon..."

"To shut up!"

"Okay, dizzy girl!" Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the mouthful of blood, but his eyes were full of surprise and fear, and the girl in front of him was like a demon!
What was even more frightening was that the aura on her body seemed to have exceeded his expectations!
No, not only was it beyond expectations, more importantly, he clearly felt that his aura seemed to be several times higher than his own!
"Wait, the trick you used just now shouldn't be from the Xuanming Continent!"

Suddenly, one of the mysterious men in black stood up, with a deep worry on his face: "Tell me, where did you learn this skill secretly!"

"Steal learning?"

Smiling lightly: "Longxuan Continent, Blackwater City colluded with Nether Continent Holy Light Hall to create a lot of puppets, why, you don't know my tricks, or are you too familiar with my tricks?" The mysterious man came to his senses, and saw Yun Feiyue condense her aura again, and said with a cold smile: "It's just right, you are my test subjects, let's see how powerful I am this time!"

"Burning Landmark!"

"Burning Landmark!"

Several times in a row!

That strong momentum fiercely attacked the mysterious man...

"Ah, ah~~"

"No, no, don't~~"

The sudden attack made it impossible for the two leading mysterious men to react, so they let out screams and fell silent...

"See it!" Yun Feiyue slowly put away her aura, with a disdainful smile on the corner of her mouth: "This is my strength, you say that a small holy son of the Holy Light Palace can make me like it? It's just a joke!"

(End of this chapter)

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