Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 677 Chapter 688: Marriage Arrangement

Chapter 677 Chapter 688: Marriage Arrangement

"It's snowing, has it finally snowed?" His eyes were filled with excitement, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly, with a bit of trepidation: "It's really beautiful! Let's go out and have fun ?" Turning her head, she looked expectantly at Jun Qianhuang who was still blushing beside her!

"Xiao Yue'er, do you seem to like the feeling of snow?"

Blinking, with a bit of pampering, he stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms, turned around, and the figures of the two of them were already standing in the snow, only to see the heavy snow fluttering down leisurely, which was very Meimei: "Unfortunately, when we reach the Upper Realm, there will be no such days of heavy snowfall!"

"Well, let's take a good look at this college scene!"

Looking for a thick tree trunk, she jumped up and landed on the branch, and saw Jun Qianhuang holding Yun Feiyue's waist with one hand, and her little hand with the other: "Well, little fairy, you always It can make me so lost!"

"Huh? What?"

Jun Qianhuang's tone just now was extremely weak, coupled with Yun Feiyue's momentary excitement, she didn't notice it, but she blinked and looked at Jun Qianhuang in front of her with deep puzzlement: " What did you say?"

"Well, nothing!"

The big hand tightly brought her into his arms again, and chuckled lightly: "Yue girl, do you have any plans recently, we reckon that after this year, we will leave, and we can't wait for things over there It's been so long!"

Frowning slightly!

He knew that it was not a good thing for him to be away for too long!

"Okay, I will speed up. The big wedding is still a while away, why don't we go to Gu Cheng tomorrow, and we will also send invitations to the dean and the others." Leaning on his shoulder, fingers lightly Draw circles on his chest, with a touch of gentleness: "And Gu Cheng also has to say a final farewell!"

For Mu Ran, she always has a very strong apology in her heart!
But this is his own choice, what she can do is try to treat him better!

"Well, we should go. Whether it is the Pharmacist Guild or the Beast Trainer Union, we must go there!" Nodding, Jun Qianhuang has no meaning for Yun Feiyue's arrangement: "You want me to accompany you!" Let you go, anyway, I have nothing to do recently, and now the emperor has already started!"

"it is good!"

Nodding her head, with Jun Qianhuang's company, Yun Feiyue's heart is also somewhat happy!
"By the way, i She Jingyi, Xiong Zhi, and Xiong Hua, I want them to go to the Linglan Mercenary Group. There is a temporary need for manpower there, and their abilities have been proven now. Wait for a while before they go to the Upper Realm. What do you think?" She tilted her head to look at Jun Qianhuang in front of her, and asked softly.

Look at her trust in herself!
Jun Qianhuang's heart warmed even more, and she said slowly: "You can arrange it at this time, and I think it's pretty good, especially Xiong Hua, this child is a talent to make!"

After a simple arrangement was made, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang walked towards Gu Cheng again, but this time they had a different state of mind in their hearts. After all, they didn't need to worry anymore. Yes, just take your time!
Along the way, the snow had already stopped, and there were no traces of snow in the direction of Gu Cheng.

This made Yun Feiyue somewhat disappointed, but she wasn't too disappointed!

(End of this chapter)

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