Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 693 Chapter 704: What, aura stolen?

Chapter 693 Chapter 704: What, aura stolen?

"Okay, okay!" Nodding, Nan Jiuqing's heart relaxed slightly: "By the way, about my father..."

"To be honest, although there is something wrong with your father's dantian, I always feel that the problem of dantian is not the most important thing. What I have to do now is to see where the aura has gone!" An indescribable weirdness: "By the way, don't tell what happened today, just say... just say that I think this disease can be cured, it's just the dantian!"

Puchi... These words made Nan Jiuqing suddenly understand.

She has some doubts about her feelings in the Aoying Mercenary Group: "Okay, I understand what I'm going to do!" Nodding, Nan Jiuqing didn't ask any more questions, and from the bottom of her heart she was extremely fond of Yun Feiyue in front of her. of trust.

"Let's go, I've arranged a room for you, right next to my father and me, so it's more convenient!"

"Thank you, I really need a break!"

She really needs to rest at this moment, she is very tired!
Soon, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang went to rest under his leadership!

After closing the door of the room, Yun Feiyue seemed to be paralyzed, lying on the bed like this, but at the moment she didn't feel sleepy at all, and her eyes were tinged with worry: "To be honest, I think he Father's situation seems to be very strange!"

"Oh, what kind of weird method?"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang felt that this matter seemed to be really difficult, and walked over with a glass of water, and helped Yun Feiyue to sit up: "Tell me, what's the situation!" Feed her drink After taking a sip, he asked slowly.

"Well, how do you say it!"

Taking a deep breath, Yun Feiyue tried her best to organize her words, and then said slowly: "I always feel that there is something in his body that is eating spiritual energy, or it should be said that there is something Something wants to absorb all of his aura!"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with a thin layer of anger: "How can such a thing happen? First, destroy his dantian, so that he cannot use spiritual energy, so that he can sneakily use his Can't the aura be stolen?"

Can aura be stolen?

This made Yun Feiyue a little dumbfounded!
I have seen stealing food, drinking, stealing money and stealing people!

I have never seen such aura that can be stolen!
Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue was almost not dumbfounded, and frowned: "In this way, someone is in urgent need of spiritual energy? But who is it?" Touching her chin, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but feel all Everyone is lost in thought!
From the few people I saw today, I always feel that it is still normal!

"If it is said that spiritual energy is needed, generally speaking, it is not because of a serious injury that needs spiritual nourishment, or it is urgent to advance. Today, these people have not felt abnormal!" There is a bit of caution in the eyes: "But I I still think this person is a traitor!"

"The thief should be, but..." Suddenly, a strange flash of light flashed in Jun Qianhuang's eyes: "I saw a figure today, and I feel very familiar!" Speaking of this, Jun Qianhuang's His eyes were stained with some caution!

Unfortunately, it was not pursued at that time.

After all, his mission is to guard his little girl!
"You... haven't gone to see it?"

"Well, but since I have some impressions, maybe I can find something. Anyway, it's still too early to get married, why don't we wait and see?" Looking at Yun Feiyue's appearance, Jun Qianhuang knew that she hoped to marry Nangong Qi Help!
What's more, he thought so too! ——
Thank you ﹏Tears dye the city °?Dear tipping rudder master, hello, bear hug
(End of this chapter)

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