Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 698 Chapter 709: Catch a turtle in the urn

Chapter 698 Chapter 709: Catch a turtle in the urn
"Go down!"

With a wave of his hand, Nan Jiuqing shunned everyone away like this, his face turned pale!
Sitting next to Nangong Qi, watching his pale face still tightly closed his eyes, if not for the weak breathing still there, he would have thought that he had lost his father, he gritted his teeth tightly, and sighed deeply. Taking a breath, he said slowly, "Father, what do you want me to do when you fall asleep like this?"

"Father, if you don't wake up again, the son will feel that he can't hold on anymore!"

"Father, do you know if you would regret everything you did? If it weren't for them, why would you lie on the bed like this and can't move?"

Fingers, tightly tug on the sheets!

Nan Jiuqing's face showed deep pain!
There was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes: "Father, if my son finds out who did it this time, my son will definitely not let him go, even... even if you will turn against me! I must not keep these viruses On our team!"

Deep self-blame!
I deeply regret it!
It was so tightly attached to the bottom of his heart, and it couldn't be removed no matter what!

The night is getting thicker quickly!
The Proud Eagle Mercenary Group also fell into silence!
Nan Jiuqing opened the window, facing the bright and bright round like this, but her heart trembled faintly, her whole body was filled with deep worry, and she pressed her lips tightly, not knowing what would happen to her if she did so. What consequences!
But... he understood better that he had no choice!

Otherwise, what awaits is accelerated death!

"Well, you are here!"

Feeling the slight fluctuations in the air, Yun Feiyue's unique breath was already lingering in the room, which made him happy: "But I don't know if this will work?" Frowning, Nan Jiuqing still has a bit of worry in her heart!
Feel the deep worry in Nan Jiuqing's heart!
Yun Feiyue raised a faint smile, and said slowly: "I have stayed at your house for about ten days. These people have not given medicine for ten days. They must be more anxious than you and me. Maybe tonight they will be able to take medicine." Caught a big fish!"

Yun Feiyue showed a swearing smile!

Jun Qianhuang smiled slightly, and stayed here without saying a word: "Don't worry, I have arranged for my people to guard your father's room, and if there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible !"

"So, thank you!"

Hearing this, Nan Jiuqing was stunned for a moment: "I just don't know if the defense of my Proud Eagle Mercenary Group is too bad, or you are too strong, just like this... easily come in?" Tilting his head, With some doubts!

His defense has never been weak!

At the beginning, Yun Feiyue also specifically explained that he didn't need to release the water, so as not to make people guess!
Originally, he was worried about whether these two people could come in under such circumstances, but he told himself that not only the two of them came in, but also brought someone in!

I can't describe his state of mind!

"Yours seem to be very powerful, but...for us, it's still not enough!" Touching her nose, Jun Qianhuang said lightly: "Don't forget, we are no longer close to the god level! "Well, for him, these defenses can be destroyed with one hand!


These words made Nan Jiuqing's complexion change again and again: "You are ruthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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