Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 710 Chapter 721: Yun Xuelian's Madness

Chapter 710 Chapter 721: Yun Xuelian's Madness
"Tsk tsk, Yun Xuelian, you still don't know how to restrain yourself at this point, do you want to die?"

Yun Feiyue slowly took a step forward and walked in slowly, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, but a bit of coldness in her eyes: "Tsk tsk, maybe death is what you are looking forward to? Unfortunately, I will not let you die too early, or I will be sorry for my parents!"

The tone is very slow!
The voice is also very gentle!

But the more it was like this, the more people couldn't help but panic, as if the voice was coming from the heart.

"You... why are you here!" Just now, his face was distorted!

At this moment, seeing Yun Feiyue walking in slowly, Yun Xuelian's heart trembled fiercely, and with a face full of fear, she slowly hid behind Mrs. Yun, her cool eyes that had lost their luster Li was tinged with deep fear: "You...why did you come here!"

"Well, that one inch here is not my Yun family's land, why can't I come?"

Shallow smile!

There is no warmth in the eyes!
Seeing this, Mrs. Yun and the First Elder both had a hint of fear on their faces.

"Oh, just now you were asking me why I came here?" She tilted her head, feeling a little apprehensive, "Actually, there's nothing wrong. Today, King Xiao gave me a betrothal gift, so naturally I want to treat you to a meal too." , otherwise it would be unkind, wouldn't it?"

Raise your palm!
He patted lightly, and saw Xiulin leading a few people and walking in with a lot of dishes!
Suddenly, the scent of vegetables spread in the space like this, which made the first elder's family feel their stomachs were hungry, and they stared at the delicacies one by one: "You...you didn't poison it, did you?" ?" With a mouthful of saliva, Mrs. Yun looked at Yun Feiyue in front of her, and she still couldn't help worrying in her heart!

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said softly: "I said I don't want you to die too early, so naturally I won't poison you!"

His eyes were stained with disdain!
Are these people worth poisoning themselves?

"you you……"

Her eyes widened, and for a while, Mrs. Yun couldn't care less about it anymore. She hadn't eaten like this for a long time, so she naturally had a lot of anticipation in her heart!
She rushed over, and just swallowed the food like this. Seeing this, Yun Xuelian couldn't bear it anymore, and she didn't even have any image of the great elder, but thinking about it, it's okay to be imprisoned like this What image can there be?

Seeing their overeating appearance, Yun Feiyue's mouth curled up with deep disdain!
Slowly said: "In fact, this year has passed and there are still things I haven't told you!" Slowly stroked his fingers, showing a teasing smile: "I don't know if you still know this thing?" Just like that, He took out a piece of handkerchief from his arms and threw it on the ground!
This made the three of them dumbfounded!
Turn around and look at the square handkerchief quietly!

"This...isn't this...isn't it Jinghui's?" The mother and son were connected, Mrs. Yun was the first to discover the existence of the veil, her face suddenly changed, and she rushed over, holding the veil tightly, He showed a resentful expression: "You... What did you do to my son, how can you be so heartless!"

Yun Feiyue's voice was slightly raised!
The body trembled violently: "Yun Feiyue, he...he is your brother, he has not done anything to apologize to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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