Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 714 Chapter 725: Muran's emotional injury

Chapter 714 Chapter 725: Muran's emotional injury


There was a strong sense of reluctance in her tone, but... she seemed to understand that Yi Changqin did this to take care of herself in the upper world!

This feeling made Yun Feiyue's heart completely warm: "Then, master must find the apprentice, okay?" She blinked and forced the tears into her eyes, but her tone was also thick cry.

"Why are you crying, silly girl, this is a good thing!"

With a gentle smile: "However, I want to watch you get on the sedan chair before leaving. Tell King Xiao, if he dares to bully you, I will definitely not let him go!"



"Hey, I said Feiyue, you can't forget me!"

Couldn't help it, Nan Jiuqing also joined in. Looking at the situation in front of him, his nose was also faintly acidic. At the first sight, he fell in love with this woman deeply, but... in the end, he still didn't belong to him. There are no words to describe the sour feeling!

If it was someone else, he would really like to fight for it!
However, Jun Qianhuang's strength is not something he can compare to, not to mention, Yun Feiyue obviously puts her heart on him!

"Well, how is uncle doing now?"

"Father has woken up, and his aura is gradually recovering, Feiyue, just wait, I will go find you one day!"

Taking a deep breath, his eyes were slightly sad: "Let's go, it's not good to delay the time!"

Soon, Muran carried Yun Feiyue on his back, feeling Yun Feiyue on his back, and Mu Ran felt a faint pain in his heart. He... finally sent her to the sedan chair with his own hands. Cut off this thought that shouldn't be there!
Press your lips tightly!

Walking step by step extremely slowly, each step is extremely safe!
This short distance made him feel that the sky will last forever...but he has still arrived at the side of the sedan chair, and handed Yun Feiyue to Jun Qianhuang... Watching the sedan chair leave slowly... the bottom of his heart followed Silent!
Until the figures of Yun Feiyue and his party completely disappeared at the gate...

"Come on, buddy, go have a drink!"

Seeing Mu Ran's stupefied look, Nan Jiuqing felt a faint pain in his heart, and patted him on the shoulder fiercely: "At last, she is married, at last, there will be someone who will care about her sincerely in the future." She, finally...hehehe, we can restrain our thoughts that we shouldn't have at this moment!"

Turn your head away slightly!

Suppress that bitterness in the bottom of my heart bitterly!

What kind of pain is that?
"Go, have a drink!"

Nodding, the two of them held the wine glasses like this, and one of them chose a costume, and landed on the roof, watching from a distance that the welcoming team walked towards Xiao Wang's mansion... What kind of sourness in the bottom of my heart became more and more intense , took a sip of the spirits: "Fei Yue, you must be happy!"

"Brother, I said we should restrain our minds!"

Nan Jiuqing patted Mu Ran's shoulder lightly, but there was an indescribable pain in her heart: "You know what? I fell in love with her at the first sight, but... still One full step, this one step, I can't catch up!"

Hearing this, Mu Ran didn't continue to say anything!
He just drank the strong wine in his hand sullenly like this, as if this was the only way to calm his heart down!

"Well, at least I'm not the only one who is sad, otherwise my heart will be completely hurt!" I raised my neck and took a sip of strong wine, but my eyes were already chasing that figure to the ground. The nail disappeared...don't know where it went.

(End of this chapter)

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