Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 716 Chapter 727: Well, don't you, huh?

Chapter 716 Chapter 727: Well, don't you, huh?
Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt a rumbling sound in her mind, and her whole body became sluggish!
My breathing also started to become short of breath!
His face felt like it was burning: "Well,..." I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what I was going to say~
"Hey, today is our wedding night!" The big hand covered her little hand, and the two sat face to face on the edge of the bed, Jun Qianhuang's heartbeat also accelerated a little bit, looking at the eyes made him yearn for the night Thinking about the face, the heart is like a battle drum!
His slender fingers touched her face lightly, and said softly: "Well, lady, it seems... there is nothing we haven't done yet!" She raised an evil smile, and quietly stared at the The little girl trembled fiercely in her heart.

That rosy face was full of coquettish shyness, as if she was silently inviting... Suddenly, Jun Qianhuang felt her heartbeat speeding up again!
In this way, he slowly approached Yun Feiyue, and lightly placed a kiss on her forehead. Suddenly, an electric current ruthlessly penetrated the two bodies, and only heard each other's heartbeat like a drum. Qianhuang's hands tightly circled Yun Feiyue!
Immediately, Yun Feiyue felt that her whole body was a little tense, her breathing began to be a little short, and her palms were full of sweat!
God knows how worried she is at the bottom of her heart at this moment,
She raised her voice slightly, but she didn't know what to say: "You...uh..."

"Hey, don't talk!"

Looking carefully at Yun Feiyue in front of him, he was so delicate, how could such a wife, Jun Qianhuang, let go of the little woman in his arms that he had missed for so long?
I don't know how long it took, and felt the little woman in her arms start to breathe rapidly, and Jun Qianhuang reluctantly let go of her, but her fingers still lingered on her little face, falling down. On her ruddy face, she slightly put the blue hair around her ears behind her ears...

He bent down again and kissed her small mouth, and then said: "Miss, shouldn't it be time for a cup of wine?"

As he spoke, he took both glasses of wine from the table, and handed one of them to Yun Feiyue: "Lady, after drinking this glass of wine, we will be husband and wife!" There was a strong smile in his smile. The happiness in her eyes was also stained with a bit of desperation!
"Well, I got it!"

Seeing Jun Qianhuang's smug expression, Yun Feiyue's eyes became more and more shy, and she took the wine glass he handed to her with her fingers, and said slowly: "From now on, you are me, Yun Feiyue, alone. It's over!" She raised her head arrogantly, with a naughty smile on her face!

"Yes, from now on, I, Jun Qianhuang, belong to Yun Feiyue alone!"

Arms intertwined, eyes facing each other, suddenly felt a thick electric current ruthlessly penetrated the two people's bodies, and Yun Feiyue's face turned rosy again, and the two silently poured the wine in the glass slowly. drink it!
Jun Qianhuang slowly put the wine glass on the table!

Only then did he stretch out his hands to hug her, and pressed her under his body, his eyes were burning with raging fire: "Xiaoyue'er, what do you think, I..." Feeling the scorching heat of my body, but I don't want to Hurt Yun Feiyue in front of her eyes!

"Well, shouldn't it be our big day?"

Feel Jun Qianhuang's burning heat and anticipation!

She also understands that Jun Qianhuang doesn't want to hurt herself, but... she also understands, after all, she doesn't want to waste the wedding night in the bridal chamber with two people looking at each other with big eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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