Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 720 Chapter 732: Frontier Town, Warcraft Tumbles

Chapter 720 Chapter 732: Frontier Town, Warcraft Tumbles

There are endless restaurants!

Looking at the situation in front of her, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but raise a faint smile: "Come on, let's go to the second floor to see the scenery?" Tilting her head, with a faint smile, she was also very excited in her heart up!

"Huang, come here, it's not bad here!"

Randomly found a place, sat down, Yun Feiyue's eyes began to look around!
There is a faint smile on the corners of the brows: "You can see a good view here!"

Following Yun Feiyue's movements, Jun Qianhuang sat down next to her, and smiled softly: "We will go to Tianshan Yinshuijian in a while, it should be good!" At this moment, the roar of a real monster came from my ear , It was exactly as Jun Qianhuang said!

The roar of the monster became louder and louder!
The terrifying aura of the monster is also very approaching, as if it will rush down to fight at any moment!
Standing in this small town, one's blood is boiling with excitement, and one's eyes are filled with excitement!

"Well, I can feel my whole body boiling here, and the roar of the monster seems to be calling me!" There was a lot of excitement in the bright eyes: "Listen, listen, this is the way to get close to the monster!" Feel!"


She stretched out her hand and scratched her nose affectionately, with deep pampering: "When I get to the upper world, I'll take you to experience what a monster is, and take you to experience it, how about it?"

"So good!"

Shrugging, Yun Feiyue's eyes became even brighter!

She felt like her blood was boiling!


Yun Feiyue felt a familiar aura slowly approaching her, which made her heart tremble slightly, raised her head, and looked at Jun Qianhuang: "Huang, I seem to feel a familiar aura !" The voice trembled slightly, and the whole person tensed up a bit!

"look carefully!"

"But... there is no familiar figure here!"

Frowning, Yun Feiyue subconsciously wanted to look for the red figure, but there was no trace, although the familiarity in her heart was so obvious, she was not so strong: "Forget it, let's go! "

Casually took a few mouthfuls, with deep disappointment in my heart, I slowly stood up: "Let's go, if it's yours, you have to find it. If it's not yours, there's no point in worrying!"

Looking at Yun Feiyue's slightly disappointed eyes!
Jun Qianhuang's heart also felt a little distressed, but there was nothing he could do to help this kind of thing!
The thick roar of the monster in the ear is getting closer!

Yun Feiyue had already forgotten the sadness in her heart just now, raised her excited eyes, and said softly: "It's really beautiful here!" , if you can ignore the roaring sound of monsters, maybe it will be more perfect!

"This is Yinshui?"

Blinking, looking at the crystal clear lake water, looking at the lotus flowers floating on the lake, feeling that kind of fragrance, Yun Feiyue couldn't help opening her arms: "Well, it's really fragrant, Huang, Let's go and have a look!"

At this moment, there are a few small boats parked on the lake!

Yun Feiyue jumped up, holding the bamboo pole with both hands, and with excitement in her eyes, she waved to Jun Qianhuang: "Come on, there are actually a lot of lotus pods over there!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, Jun Qianhuang also jumped up: "Catch some magical beasts at random, and let's try the taste by ourselves at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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