Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 728 Chapter 740: Ultimatum Jade Card

Chapter 728 Chapter 740: Ultimatum Jade Card
"Girl, this is the ultimatum jade card of our Nanshan lineage. You keep it. If you see your senior brothers and sisters outside, hahaha, pass this thing over. Anyone who dares to deny your identity can find it." Uncle me!"

Shui Menghua laughed heartily!

It's just this smile that Yun Feiyue couldn't help frowning!
Nima, he is obviously a handsome man, why did he become an uncle?
"Madam, put it away. This is a good thing. When you go back to the upper realm, you have to blackmail it, especially the second son of Nanshan, Shuimengting!"

Second son?
Water Dream Court?
Frowning, Yun Feiyue looked at the situation in front of her incomprehensibly!
"Nanshan lineage, Shui Menghua's closed disciple, Shui Mengting's greatest ability is not to inherit Shui Menghua's ability, but his medical skills are quite terrifying, but his strength is also quite terrifying, you can find him when the time comes ! Try to blackmail!"

Jun Qianhuang took the ultimatum jade card and stuffed it into Yun Feiyue's hand: "Okay, maybe you don't understand now, but when you go to the upper realm, you will know that these people are not so easy to get in touch with. If you have a chance, you should guard it!"



Taimao, she thinks that the imposing Jun Qianhuang also has the potential to be a robber?
"Okay, okay, girl, don't forget me, uncle!"

"Yes, uncle!"

Nodding, at this moment Yun Feiyue nodded indifferently, and took out her treasured spirit fruit wine from her arms: "Here, I brewed this myself, you can try it?" Blinking her eyes, with A little excited, but also a little cautious!

It seems that I am afraid that the other party will not like it!
Looking at Yun Feiyue's cautious look, Jun Qianhuang felt jealous in her heart, but she was a little bit reluctant!

It seems that he has to investigate the identity of Shui Menghua in front of him carefully!

After all, people are not good for no reason, especially with his high status, but Shui Mengting is a bit more arrogant than Shui Menghua, and it is not so easy for him to meet him!
"Then what do you mean I made money?"

Looking at Yun Feiyue's cautious eyes, and Jun Qianhuang's slightly jealous but helpless look, Shui Menghua was filled with indescribable excitement in his heart, blinked, and said frightened: " However, girl, this wine is very fragrant!"


He was not in a hurry to drink, but just put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and then he took a sip slowly, showing an excited expression on his whole body: "Girl, did you really brew this wine yourself?" An incredible expression!
This wine is rich and mellow!

The mouthfeel is extremely delicate, especially after drinking it, the aura in the body seems to be a little more full, but drinking some in the wild can quickly restore physical strength!
"Of course, I have several flavors!"

Blinking her eyes, Yun Feiyue laughed sheepishly: "Hey, I don't know how many senior brothers and sisters I have?"

"Senior sister doesn't have any for the time being, and it's impossible to have them in the future, but you have three senior brothers. I adopted these two senior brothers from below, so they have the same surname as me!"

"Ah, so I have to prepare three copies!"

Nodding, Yun Feiyue smiled contentedly, and quickly selected a wine bottle with a different taste from her ring, brought it out and handed it to Shui Menghua, which made Shui Menghua's eyes light up Leo: "Girl, there are three flavors here!"

Blinking his mouth and looking at the little bottle, he felt a little envious in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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