Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 731 Chapter 743: Yan Zun's Identity

Chapter 731 Chapter 743: Yan Zun's Identity

"Then how about we take a look at the underwater world together in the daytime tomorrow?" He stood up slowly, patted his robe, with a touch of happiness: "However, we won't be here tonight." Disturbing your little days!"

He raised his head to look at the sky, and said slowly: "It seems to be the night of the full moon again!" The voice was very light, but it made people feel the strong helplessness.

Yun Feiyue looked at Shui Menghua in astonishment.

It was just a fleeting moment of helplessness that made her think she was wrong!
"Where are you going?"

"I'm going where I'm going, don't worry, I'll come here to find you tomorrow, and be careful at night!"

Stretching out her hand, she lovingly rubbed the top of Yun Feiyue's head, with a bit of love in her eyes: "I'll come over tomorrow, and it won't be a long time!"

"Well, good!" Chucking her nose, Yun Feiyue quickly took out a few large wine bottles from the space: "Here, these are for you, but if you dare not come tomorrow, I... I... ...I will ignore you from now on!"

Saw him leaving!

Even if it is a short leave.

Yun Feiyue felt a strong reluctance in her heart, it was an inexplicable closeness!

Seemingly infected with Yun Feiyue's emotions, Shui Menghua put the wine bottle into her own space and nodded: "Don't worry, I will come over, okay, time is running out, I really have to go!" The sky began to dim slightly.

Shui Menghua nodded, and left slowly...

Until his back disappeared before her eyes, Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with reluctance...


Leaning in Jun Qianhuang's arms, Yun Feiyue said softly: "I don't know why, but I always feel...a familiar feeling in my heart, it's so empty~"

"Hey, it's okay, some people are just right for you, so be more familiar!"


"Your honor!"

Seeing Shui Menghua's pale face, Chi Yan was taken aback for a moment, and rushed over: "Your Majesty, don't you know how terrible this is for you today, you... you are so Come here late!" Ruo Oushang was sweating!

This made Zhi Yan feel unspeakable worries in his heart!

Hurry up to support him: "Your Majesty, get out of here quickly!"

"Well, okay, but I'm going to come over tomorrow!" Taking a deep breath, the severe pain in his body made him feel like he was going to collapse, but thinking of Yun Feiyue, the corner of his mouth couldn't help hanging A shallow smile.

Look at Shui Menghua's excited smile!
This made Chi Yan a bit puzzled, and blinked: "My lord, why do you feel that you are in a good mood today?" Is there something wrong with your mind today?
You know, it's going to happen in a while, okay?

"Ah, is that so? Is it obvious?" Stretching out his hand and gently stroking his chin, he said with a slight smile, "I just saw my precious daughter today, tsk tsk, she even gave me something !" Thinking of the last few big wine bottles, his eyes were stained with happiness!

"You... are you looking at Miss?"

With a trembling sound, the flaming eyes were also stained with surprise: "But... does miss know you?"

"Shh, of course we can't let her know about it, and we can't let anyone know about it, otherwise...it's bad for her!" Shaking his head, Shui Menghua pressed his lips tightly: "She's not strong enough now, but thanks to her Jun Qianhuang is by my side!"

Jun Qianhuang!
Jun Qianhuang! !

Hearing this, Chi Yan was completely dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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