Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 734 Chapter 747: Little greedy cat!

Chapter 734 Chapter 747: Little greedy cat!
"Well, it's fine!"

Yun Feiyue gritted her teeth, and nodded fiercely. Even if she didn't look at it, she knew that her wound must be terrible, so she quickly took out the pill from her arms: "Here, this pill is crushed and applied to the wound. Get well soon, this potion is used to clean the wound!"

Silently took the pill from Yun Feiyue, and Long Yan quickly dragged the dead monster away!

Seeing Jun Qianhuang raised her fingers, the barrier of speed threw a thick blanket on the flat ground, and Yun Feiyue lay down on the blanket, squatting beside him, with a bit of worry : "Hey, hold on for a while, you know?"

"Well, umm!"

Grabbing a corner of the blanket casually, he bit it in his mouth, and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang slowly began to clean up her wound. It has to be said that the wound was very terrible. He stabilized his fingers and slowly tore off the broken clothes bit by bit. Looking at the long wound, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but said, "I should have shot at the beginning!"

The pain is beyond words!

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Shaking his head: "It's so good!"

Looking at her pretendingly strong little face, Jun Qianhuang naturally understood what she was thinking, and didn't continue to say anything, just slowly disinfected it, and slowly applied the powder. I have to say that Yun Feiyue refined it by herself. The elixir works extremely well!
I saw the medicine powder applied to the wound!
After a short while, the wound has already touched the pink tender flesh, and it only takes a while for it to fully recover!
After changing a set of clothes, Jun Qianhuang held her in her arms, rested her chin lightly on the top of her head, and said slowly: "Hey, let's rest for a while, no one can disturb you right now. You, wait for Shui Menghua to come over, let's explore together again!"

"Huang, then I will really take a break!"

Rubbing her eyes, Yun Feiyue nodded with obvious sleepiness, lay on his lap, and fell asleep like this...

Looking at Yun Feiyue's peaceful sleeping face, Jun Qianhuang's heart warmed up a bit, but it was more of a reluctance to let go of her beloved woman who had to travel so much and suffer so much!

After waking up again, the sky had already brightened, and Jun Qianhuang's barrier did not know when it would be lifted!

He opened his eyes, rubbed his hands slightly, and heard the roar of monsters in his ears!

"Well, it really is quieter at night!"

Standing up slowly, feeling the atmosphere around her, Yun Feiyue's eyes lit up a bit: "Why don't we make something to eat before he comes?"

"Well, looking at the fish is fresh and tender, just stew a pot of fish soup!"

Yun Feiyue rolled up her trouser legs, and stood on the shallow water beach: "We're not weak, let's catch fish like this, and see who catches more!" Yun Feiyue didn't wait for Jun Qianhuang to react, and suddenly said He plunged down, and immediately fished out a big fat fish from the water, and threw it into the bucket beside him!

"You bad girl!"

Shaking her head, Jun Qianhuang also showed a hearty smile, imitating her and rolled up her trouser legs, and walked towards her side.

At this moment, Yun Feiyue caught a fish again, holding it up with both hands, shining in the sun, especially those big bright eyes, which made people couldn't help liking them a little bit from the bottom of their hearts. Seeing her frightened, she said: "Hahaha, I've already caught several, you hurry up and follow, when the time comes, we will keep them in the space and eat them whenever we want!"

(End of this chapter)

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