Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 746 Chapter 759: Ling'er must still be alive!

Chapter 746 Chapter 759: Ling'er must still be alive!

"There is some hatred, I don't want you to get involved too early, but... Ling'er's disappearance, Yunzhi's coma, tell me, you must know about this matter!"

Slightly squinting his eyes, with a strong hatred, if he let them know earlier, if he...be stronger earlier, then can these things not happen?

Take a deep breath!

She knew that these assumptions no longer existed, and what she had to do now was to protect the precious granddaughter in front of her: "I escaped from that ancient land. As a saint, I want to protect our whole family, but, Our clan was completely eradicated in one fell swoop!"

Close your eyes!
Tears flowed down her eyes, and she vaguely remembered that her mother-in-law tried her best to leave her behind: "Be good, never look back, and never forget who you are!"

That bloody accusation made her understand in her heart that she must hide her identity!
The blood of the saint will only bring more disasters!

But she never expected that her daughter Ling'er would actually have the pure blood of a saint, so that people in the upper world could feel that powerful aura: "Do you know, saint, the pure saint?" Women will make our clan rise again, and they are afraid of our rise again, so they will kill us!"

"But, Ling'er is just a child. Although I am strong, I am only one person after all. How can I rise up my clan!"

"What's more, Ling'er's blood is not so pure!"

"Legends say that only the pure blood of the holy maiden can trigger the thick gate of the Jiuzhong Tianjue, so that our clan can be resurrected and rise up, so these people are afraid!"

I know intermittently from my grandmother that the blood of the pure saintess can activate the gate of the Jiuchong Tianjue and restore their family. Although the purity of the mother's body is not very strong, it also makes those who ruined the grandmother's family feel deeply. Deep fear!
"Grandmother, then...you..."

"Good boy, now you are so far away from that side, so you only need to know these things. You don't need to know too carefully, it is not good for you!" The matter of the mainland was described in such detail, but this made Yun Feiyue's heart ache faintly!

What kind of existence is it that makes my grandmother so taboo!
What is the identity of the grandmother to be able to activate the gate of Jiuzhong Tianjue!

There were all kinds of doubts in her heart, but she knew better that her grandmother would definitely not say it, after all, her current strength is too poor!

"Grandma, one day I will go to the Nether Continent, and then you can't hide it from me, okay?"

"it is good!"

Stretching out her hand, lovingly rubbing the top of her head, she said slowly; "If that day really comes, grandma will go to the upper world to look for you!" His eyes were stained with firmness, but softened in an instant: "It's just that now I want to guard my eldest daughter!"

Slowly lowering her head, looking at the sleeping princess, she felt a dull pain in her heart!

"Ling'er is still alive!"

Suddenly, the queen slowly raised her head: "I can clearly feel her breath of life, but I can't feel where she is!" Her eyes were stained with hatred, these people ruined her daughter's life. , she will kill back one day!
(End of this chapter)

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