Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 750 Chapter 763: Linglong, do you really want to do this?

Chapter 750 Chapter 763: Linglong, do you really want to do this?

"Linglong, do you really want to do this?"

Can't help but Yun Feiyue's heart also warmed up. Looking at Ling Long's mischievous appearance, she couldn't connect him with the word "brother", but he clearly knew that Jun Qianhuang was powerful, but he still fought for himself. war!

This warmed her heart a bit!

As a cousin, he naturally did this on behalf of his natal family. It was nothing more than telling Jun Qianhuang that even if he couldn't beat Jun Qianhuang, he would still fight for her. He told Jun Qianhuang that his family, Yun Feiyue, had her natal family. of!

"Hey, call me brother!"

"Okay, brother~"

"Good boy, then this time my brother is willing to go all out, and I have to thank my brother!" Ling Long didn't know when he had approached Yun Feiyue, and said slowly: "How terrible is this kid, you show me the bottom line Hey, don't let my brother die too badly!"

Pushing Yun Feiyue's shoulder, Ling Long's face was bitter: "Good boy!"

"Good brother, I don't know about Huang's abilities, why don't you go and find out!"

Seeing Ling Long like that, Yun Feiyue completely relaxed her mind, and raised a frightened smile... Well, she wasn't lying, she really didn't know how powerful Jun Qianhuang was!

"You girl is not kind!"

Rolling his eyes, Ling Long could only be cheeky!
"Okay, since you all intend to propose to my concubine, it proves the charm of my concubine in a disguised form!" Taking a deep breath, Jun Qianhuang smiled faintly, but the anger in her eyes was not enough. So obvious!
He, Jun Qianhuang's woman is not something everyone can snatch!

Sensing his anger, Ling Long couldn't help but trembled slightly: "Hey, your man is too scary!"

"Good brother, won't you teach him a lesson for me?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but smile slightly, looking at Ling Long in front of her with a bit of naughtiness!

The emperor couldn't help but said cheerfully: "So, what are you waiting for, warriors, I will go and see your strength today!" As he said, the emperor joined hands with the queen, and the two stood up slowly, facing each other. I glanced at it, but there was a warm feeling in my heart!

Tournament field!
The venue is very wide!
I saw weapons on both sides!

Several people's faces were very serious, but they looked at Yun Feiyue but each of them was very firm!

How could the princess of the Yuyi clan marry any man at will?
"Do you want to come one by one, or do you want to come together?" Jun Qianhuang said, the purple robe fluttered gently in the wind, and that slender figure stood in the very center of the stage, eyes dyed How dignified!
His eyebrows were raised slightly, and he slowly glanced at the warriors around him, and said lightly: "This king will tell you, this king's concubine is not something everyone can imagine!"

The tone is very slow!
It's just that the voice fell to the bottom of their hearts, but it was inexplicably carrying an indescribable pressure!
His whole body was filled with the aura of a born king, which was impossible to ignore.

This made the warriors couldn't help looking at each other, with a trace of unspeakable anger: "Okay, then we will rush forward, and then don't say that we are bullying the few with more!" The terrible breath, of course, won't make things difficult for him!

(End of this chapter)

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