Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 758 Chapter 772: Fighting for the Yuyi Clan

Chapter 758 Chapter 772: Fighting for the Yuyi Clan
"Mother, mother..." Hearing this, Xiao Jiu had already rolled over Yun Feiyue's shoulder with a smile, her little paws were covering her stomach, and said playfully, "Uncle is so stupid, you can't help me!" Can't you see that we are beasts? Mother is human, and father is also human, so how could we give birth to a beast!"

"Father, mother!"

At the same time, Chi Xie said with a serious face: "Uncle is trying to frame Mother for putting a cuckold on Daddy!"


Now, Ling Long could no longer calm down!
What kind of brats are these!

"Okay, Hugh has to bully your uncle!" Looking at the two mischievous ghosts, Yun Feiyue reached out and pulled Xiao Jiu off her shoulder, and gently smoothed her hair: "This is Xiao Jiu's hair." Nine, it's a girl doll!"

"I am Chixie, a male doll!"

Emotions are contract beasts!

Nima, it's really scary!
With a bit of a smile, Yun Feiyue and his group continued to follow Ling Long's footsteps and slowly walked forward!

After three days, the group had already left the border town, and now they saw a piece of blue water, calm and peaceful, which was very eye-catching!
The seaside town exudes the fishy smell of seafood everywhere!
There is peace everywhere!
"Fei Yue, this is the sea area where we used to live!"

Standing on the edge of the beach, Ling Long's eyes were stained with deep nostalgia: "But this seabed can't go back, people of the Yuyi tribe will be infected with a strange disease!"


Still very weird?

"Well, it's weird!" At this moment, Ling Long no longer had that slight look on his face, but he was very serious: "Anyone who gets sick will become extremely thin, and in the end only the skeleton remains, and the tail completely disappears, forming a Two human legs, but... different from human legs, the momentum is to put it bluntly, it is separating the tail in half!"

Take a deep breath!

His eyes were stained with deep worry: "When shall we go and have a look?"

"Brother, don't worry!" Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said slowly: "Let's stay around here first, and you can see that there is nothing wrong with the humans here, so is there something happening outside, or something inside? Something scary?"

I was a little worried in my heart!
But Yun Feiyue also understands that there are some things that can't be rushed: "Look, a place like this should be very peaceful, but don't you think there are a lot of people here?"

"Yeah, that's right, there are more people than when we left, but judging from their expressions, they are not locals either!" Suddenly, Ling Long seemed a little surprised in his heart: "Let's go, let's inquire!" In his eyes A little curious!
"Huang, what do you think?"

"En!" Nodding her head, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with seriousness: "I always feel that the fluctuations in the air here seem to be different. Could it be that something is occupying it?" Squinting her eyes, she looked quietly. Looking at the seemingly peaceful beach!
Immediately ordered Chu Nan to inquire about the news here!
I took Yun Feiyue to find Ke Inn to live in!
There are all kinds of people coming and going in the restaurant!
Naturally, it has been the best place to inquire about news from ancient times to the present. Yun Feiyue's eyes were a little solemn, and the three of them sat on the second floor and listened carefully to the discussions in the crowd!
"Hey, tell me whether it's true or not. I've been here for three months, and I haven't made any movement!" At the table next to him, there was a tinge of anxiety in the eyes of a big man!
(End of this chapter)

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