Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 796 Chapter 810: Burning Soul Grass

Chapter 796 Chapter 810: Burning Soul Grass

"I'm coming! Crimson Moon!"

Sedum turned over, jumped up, and looked at Yun Feiyue with a smile on her face...


Yun Feiyue almost fell down, and glared fiercely at Sedum in front of her, but she also had a look of helplessness!

"Hey, why are you called Sister Yun Feiyue?"

When Zhuo Yan came up, she looked at Sedum in front of her with a puzzled expression.

"Your name is Sister Yun, I'm Feiyue, what's the conflict!" Jingtian obviously didn't like Zhuo Yan's words: "Anyway, my name is Feiyue, Feiyue, you say yes!"

"To shut up!"

Yun Feiyue rubbed her forehead with some headaches: "Okay, my name is Yun Feiyue, not Yue Yun, but I'm used to using this name because I'm away from home!" Shrugged, explained slightly, and then the whole person Standing on the bow~
The sparkling eyes were full of excitement: "Let Zhuoyan be in the center, Xiaoxie, you watch Zhuoyan, and the others arrange it themselves!"

Soon, the group of people took the initiative to allocate their seats, and Yang Gu couldn't help but said, "I'll call you Feiyue from now on, it's a good name, it sounds nice!"

"Hey, I'm still called Sister Yun anyway!"

Zhuo Yan excitedly held Chi Xie's little hand, blinking her eyes: "Xiao Xie, don't be afraid, sister will protect you!"

Puchi... Chi Xie couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this!
Nima, mother asked me to protect you!
Of course, he thought about it, but he didn't say anything, after all, he also knew Zhuo Yan's kindness!

Yun Feiyue used a bamboo pole to support the small boat and slowly slid along the lake surface, but it was empty in front of her eyes!
Everyone has a crystal nucleus, so naturally this area is quite bright!

The water on the surface of the lake is very clear, and it seems that you can see the bottom. Hearing the sound of 'crashing', the expressions of several people are also a bit frightened!


Suddenly, Zhuo Yun's hand pointed in a certain direction, and immediately everyone's eyes lit up, and there was a hole in the cliff, which was quite bright from a distance, Yun Feiyue's eyes But it's getting brighter!

The tip of the nose can faintly feel the strong smell of the medicine field!


Could it be that this is a medicine field?
Immediately, I felt my chest start to rise and fall, and the obvious excitement made everyone couldn't help being excited: "It seems that Feiyue should feel the things in front, right?"

"Well, it seems to be the breath of medicinal herbs, go and have a look!"

Holding the boat hard, he quickly approached that area, turned over, and Yun Feiyue's figure had already landed at the entrance of the cave. Long Shisan and his party quickly moved the boat to the side and followed them in. ~
Eye-catching ~ a sea of ​​flowers!
The fragrance hits in bursts, which makes people feel comfortable for a while!

"Hey, Feiyue, what kind of medicine is this? It's obviously a sea of ​​flowers!" Yang Gu couldn't help frowning, the red sea of ​​flowers in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable at the tip of his nose, okay, he Just a little sensitive to pollen!
"Of course these flowers are not medicine!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue didn't feel lost at all, instead she was full of excitement: "If you guessed right, there should be Burning Soul Grass here, Zhuo Yan Zhuo Yun, you look for it carefully, it's called "Fun Yang Hua", "Fun Yang Hua" Wherever there is, there will naturally be Burning Soul Grass!"

Burning Soul Grass!
Hear this!
Both Zhuo Yan and Zhuo Yun's eyes lit up a bit: "Okay, brother, look for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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