Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 801 Chapter 815: Damn it, it's the city of black water again

Chapter 801 Chapter 815: Damn it, it's the city of black water again

Seeing a lot of his own pills piled up on the ground!

Seeing that the mercenaries who were still following him faded away a lot, the mysterious boy became more angry: "Very good, very good, you dare to fight against us, if you want to die, just say so!" .That boy also gathered a lot of anger!

The black breath on his body began to wrap his body tightly~

Those strange eyes were stained with killing intent: "Not bad, you are the first woman that my young master wants to kill~"


Look at the weird black gas on him!
Yun Feiyue's heart trembled fiercely!
His eyes were stained with caution: "Tsk tsk, it seems that you are from the city of black water, so don't even think about leaving today!" City of black water!
City of Blackwater!

This has left a deep mark on Yun Feiyue's heart, it is a hatred that comes from the bottom of her heart!


She began to release all the spiritual energy in her body, and said fiercely: "Partners, it's time to come out!"

Falling down with that soft drink~
All of a sudden, rays of light fell down... Qiu Zeyang, Abai, Xiaoqi, Lijuan, Xiaoluan, and Linglong appeared in front of everyone like this. They saw this handsome man and beautiful woman, but with an indescribable aura all over their bodies. What's even more frightening is that these are all Yun Feiyue's monsters!

I took a deep breath~
Even Long Shisan couldn't help but said: "God, what kind of pervert is she, who can contract so many monsters, and they are all above the god level!" He drooled, and he clearly felt the horror of these people~
"Thirteen, how can there be a god rank in Xuanming Continent? Even if there is, it's... not so orthodox!"

"My God, did we miss something, or are we too self-righteous!"

"Hey, hey, thirteen, thirteen! This veiled idiot is actually the young master of Blackwater City. It seems that if we don't get rid of him, tsk tsk, I'm really sorry for myself!" Well, when they Knowing that this guy is actually the young master of Blackwater City, the whole person is unhappy!

"Is he Young Master Lian?" Chi Xie frowned, with a trace of puzzlement: "Tsk tsk, even Young Master Lian is not my mother's opponent, what are you!"



Young Master Lian?
Has Yun Feiyue fought against Young Master Lian?

Immediately, the expressions of Long Shisan and his group changed suddenly~ but they didn't say much, they just watched the situation in front of them quietly!
"Nonsense, how could our young master Lian be bullied by you!" The young man was furious at the words: "Young master Lian is so powerful, what are you!" , with a raging aura, rushed to the past...

Feel the overwhelming anger.Yun Feiyue just squinted her eyes with deep disdain...

"Wow, what is Sheng Qinglian, and what are you!"

Anger was burning in her chest!

His eyes were stained with deep hatred, it seems that this guy should not be the young master of Blackwater City, maybe it should be said to be the young master of a certain force in Blackwater City!
Next up!

I saw Yun Feiyue's finger speed seals, flipping violently: "Burning Earth Seal!"

Following her yell!
That terrifying momentum rushed down fiercely...

It's just this trick that made everyone even more confused!

"Burning Earth Seal?" Long Shisan also took a deep breath, and watched Yun Feiyue beat the young man half to death with one move, which made him tremble even more: "Isn't this the God of Absolute Shame?" Is it Qianhuang's fame stunt? How did Yun Feiyue know about it?"

"Ah, could it be that Yun Feiyue is Jun Qianhuang's disciple below?"

(End of this chapter)

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