Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 803 Chapter 817: Damn, it's about to collapse!

Chapter 803 Chapter 817: Damn, it's about to collapse!
"Tsk tsk, I want to live now, but it's too late. No one in Blackwater City can get out alive!"

Yun Feiyue stood at the door, like a door god, blocking their way, with strong anger in her eyes, and a terrifying smile: "Go to hell! The people of Blackwater City!" As she said that, she once again raised that terrifying aura, and swept towards these people viciously...

Feel the strong killing intent!
The people in Blackwater City seem to understand it too!

This woman didn't even want to let herself go today!
Anger was also burning in their chests: "Okay, okay! If you want to do it, we will accompany you!" As they spoke, they released their spiritual energy one by one, and swept towards Yun Feiyue fiercely...

bang bang bang ~~
bang bang bang~~
All kinds of sounds are intertwined, and the air is instantly filled with the smell of thick blood~
"Yun Feiyue, I'm here, hurry up!"

At this moment, I saw that Sedum's eyes were also stained with thick red blood, and he opened his five fingers, and a thick aura surged in his body instantly... Yun Feiyue was also surprised immediately!
This Sedum is indeed the leader of the giant tribe who was sealed in ancient times!

Tsk tsk, it seems that this ability is not comparable to myself!
Sure enough, when he made this move, the whole ground trembled violently again, and the people in Blackwater City didn't even have time to resist, they were completely swallowed by his aura...

"Come on!"

Looking at Yun Feiyue who was still in a daze, Sedum's face also changed suddenly, and he saw that the space began to tremble fiercely, obviously about to collapse, which made him anxious in his heart, and he didn't care so much, pulling Yun Feiyue's hand rushed out fiercely like this...

"Thirteen, why hasn't Yun Feiyue come out yet, I'm going to die of anxiety!"

Yanggu paced back and forth, with a deep sense of anxiety, fixedly staring at the entrance of the cave, took a deep breath, and obviously felt that the movement inside became more terrifying, and even the ground outside began to tremble. ~ This feeling made him very uneasy!

"No, Yanggu, don't worry!"

Zhuo Yun stared at the hole in dismay, but tried his best to control his emotions, and said slowly, "Don't forget, she is a pervert, she will definitely come out!" I am deeply worried~
"Brother, let me go find Sister Yun!"

Time is slowly passing by!
I don't know how long it has been!

The trembling of the ground became more and more obvious. Obviously, if it didn't come out again, this area might collapse!
Thinking of this, Zhuo Yan's heart became more and more uncertain: "Let me see how sister Yun is, brother~"


Don't wait for Zhuo Yun to say anything!
Long Shisan widened his eyes, and stared fiercely at Zhuo Yan in front of him: "Unless you want to die, even if you want to die, you can't drag Yun Feiyue down!" Those merciless words hit Zhuo Yan hard. body!Immediately let her whole body become decadent!
Isn't that the truth!

Such a place is not enough for her to see, unless she wants to cause trouble for Yun Feiyue!
At this point, she couldn't help crying softly: "I know I'm useless, but... I just care, brother, I will definitely be strong, I will definitely be strong!" A thick strong!

Also with that obvious seriousness!

(End of this chapter)

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