Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 806 Chapter 820: Pretending to be the Linglan mercenary group, looking for death!

Chapter 806 Chapter 820: Pretending to be the Linglan mercenary group, looking for death!

Use your fingers slightly!
Immediately, the man only felt that his breathing was difficult!

There was a touch of fear in his eyes, but he still said stubbornly in his mouth: "Yeah, you... let me go, cough cough... otherwise you will be in trouble when our leader comes!" His face turned red , with deep horror, looked at Yun Feiyue in front of him like a demon coming from hell!
This made him even more scared in his heart!

You have to know how long I have been domineering in this area. Could it be... that I really met someone from the Linglan mercenary group?
"Remember, it's okay to want to be a bad guy, but if you use our Linglan mercenary group as a cover, it's not so good!" Fingers increased strength, pinching his neck fiercely, and the tone became clearer Soft, but it makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts for no reason...

That fear made him feel like his internal organs were about to be broken!
Look at the way in front of you!
Yan Jiang felt very uneasy in his heart, and tried to hide his figure as much as possible... ready to sneak away...

"Hey, isn't this Young Master Yanjiang!"

At this moment, Chi Xie's small body blocked Yanjiang's way, raised a disdainful smile, and said slowly: "Isn't it because you provoked the matter, why did you want to leave without solving it? "Blinking her eyes, she showed her innocence!
Look at the innocence on Chi Xie's face!

At this moment, Yan Jiang's heart is more and more afraid and regretful, why did he provoke these terrible things!
"People from the Linglan Mercenary Group are here!"

"Look, that's the member of the Linglan Mercenary Group!"

"Oh my God, everyone is so energetic one by one, why did we believe in this wretched person!"

"Isn't it! Compared with this, isn't it a world of difference?"

When a group of people came over in a hurry, the people around couldn't help but gasp. The neat team in front of them, the energetic people, only had this sense of righteousness in their eyes!Where is the wretched gaze of these people in front of me!
This made everyone seem to understand again!
"Who is making trouble here?"

The leading man stood up, his majestic eyes fell on Yan Jiang: "But you said that you are a member of the Linglan Mercenary Group?" With an indescribable majesty!
Standing in front of him, Yan Jiang felt trembling all over his body, and couldn't help but look at the previous man: "No, no, it's not me, it's him~" After thinking for a long time, he slowly moved Pointing to the previous guy~
Suddenly, the man's face changed suddenly!
With strong anger: "Well, you Yanjiang, you didn't say that when you asked me to support you!"

"Hu Bo, it's not that I'm ignorant in Yanjiang. This... people from the Linglan mercenary group are here, I... what else can I refute! I'm saying, you were the one who forced me to pay tribute, if I Otherwise, wouldn’t it be that I’ve been taken advantage of!”

Yan Jiang's neck shrank!
With deep fear!
Taking a deep breath, I also started to feel dissatisfaction with Hu Bo in front of me: "Hu Bo, now I know that you can't protect me anymore, so why should I blame you for this!"


I have been under Hu Bo's lust for so long, and I am already tired of it!
(End of this chapter)

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