Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 809 Chapter 823: Well, this thing is a good guy for promotion

Chapter 809 Chapter 823: Well, this thing is a good guy for promotion

Hearing this adjective, Feng Yao felt helpless for a while, when did he become so scary?

Stretched out and touched his chin, he smiled awkwardly, but his eyes fell on the ignorant She Jingyi, and said slowly: "Okay, Elder Yun will be coming soon, you guys are welcome Get ready!"

There is a little excitement in my heart!
Just now She Jingyi's obvious unhappiness fell into his eyes!

Naturally understand that I am afraid that I am not wishful thinking!
Looks like it's time to get ready!

"Elder Yun is here, Elder Yun is here~" At this moment, there was a lively voice at the door, which immediately made everyone a little excited, and they rushed into the door, and they looked at Yun Feiyue with an embarrassed face Walked over: "Hey, I'm so weird that you guys are doing this!"

"Sister Yun!"

Yun Feiyue's words fell to the ground!

Feng Lan rushed into Yun Feiyue's arms like a gust of wind, holding her waist tightly with both hands: "Sister Yun, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ Don't leave so quickly!"



Now Yun Feiyue also felt a kind of suffocation!

After a while, he struggled away: "Feng Lan, can you stop being so excited, I will strangle you to death later!"


She even wondered if Feng Lan did it on purpose!


"Oh my god, Feng Lan, I already told you!"

"How did Elder Yun die? He was strangled to death by Feng Lan's passionate embrace!"



Listening to the ridicule around, I saw Yunlan stomp her feet fiercely: "You guys just play tricks, try to play tricks, and I will teach you a lesson one by one later!" It's getting better too~
"Okay, stop teasing Feng Lan, I want to introduce two friends to you!"

Speaking of which, Yun Feiyue beckoned, and Zhuo Yun and Zhuo Yan came over: "Come on, this is Zhuo Yan, this is Zhuo Yun!"

Soon, the group became familiar with each other!
However, Long Shisan and his group did not come with him, and left quickly, but Yun Feiyue didn't treat these people badly. The dragon grass has five dragon fruits, but she gave them one !

"I don't have much time, I'll talk about things in general today, and I'm leaving!"

Yun Feiyue looked at these partners seriously, with an indescribable reluctance in her heart, but when she thought of that sea area, the Yuyi tribe, and Jun Qianhuang, she knew that she had to solve the matter as soon as possible, deeply Taking a breath, he quickly pulled everyone into the conference room!
I cleared my throat: "That's it, I have a few dragon fruits here, you must know the effect of this thing better than me, I will give you the fruit now, and you can watch and share it when the time comes, just take a small bite , this moment of fruit, at least four or five people can advance to the god rank!"

Hear this!

Everyone's eyes are full of excitement!

Even Feng Yao and his group, who have already entered the rank of gods, couldn't help being stunned: "Feelings can make people advance, so we were so desperate to live...it's a pit!"

"Puchi, the team leader is good, but it can only be used as an auxiliary function. Naturally, there is no one who can advance by himself!"

"I know this!" Hearing this!
Feng Yao also showed embarrassment on his face, he was just talking unintentionally!

(End of this chapter)

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