Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 818 Chapter 832 : You still want to run after hurting the princess!

Chapter 818 Chapter 832 : You still want to run after hurting the princess!

Hearing these words, Xiao Jiu's aggrieved look became more and more aggrieved, her little hands pointing to her fingers, her lips pouted, full of resentment: "So, this princess is just being bullied by you at will? "He tilted his head, with a deep cry in his voice!
"Princess, you can't say that. What do you mean we bullied you?"

Look at Xiao Jiu's frightened appearance!

This fueled Ruan Lianrong's arrogance even more. She raised her chin slightly and said coldly: "Your Highness should know that I am just joking with you. Since you don't know what is good or bad, tsk tsk, it's shameful, isn't it?" Your mother is also so ignorant!"


Mother! !
Hearing this, Xiao Jiu completely exploded!
He slammed his hands on the table, and with a 'bang', the table shattered, and Xiao Jiu's pink face was filled with anger: "Very good, very good, it turns out that the Ruan family is so powerful, Even the king's family affairs can be discussed at will, and my mother was humiliated by you at will!"


In this way, he froze the spiritual energy in his whole body, and attacked Ruan Lianrong fiercely...

With a 'snap', the palm landed on Ruan Lianrong's face fiercely, and with a 'swipe' sound, the sharp nails scratched her delicate face...



It suddenly exploded in Ruan Lianrong's heart!
I stretched out my hand to cover my face, but felt a burning pain...


"My God, miss..."

Immediately, the two maids standing beside her showed shock on their faces, and they couldn't help raising their voices a bit: "Oh my God, Miss, your face..." Their eyes widened, with a strong Thick fear, the whole body is trembling...

"What happened to my face!"

Looking at the stunned expressions of the two maids beside her, Ruan Lianrong felt something was wrong in an instant!

Although there was a burning pain on his face, but... this is a milk baby after all?

Just thinking that she had smashed the tabletop with a slap just now, Ruan Lianrong couldn't be quiet anymore, she stretched out her hand to touch her face...but felt liquid slipping through~
He took a deep breath, and stared at the thick blood in his palm... Ruan Lianrong was completely dumbfounded by this, and it took him a long time to let out a scream of 'ah', which resounded in the air... That's cool His eyes were stained with bright red blood, he raised his hand, and slapped Xiao Jiu viciously...

A loud bang~
Before Ruan Lianrong came back to his senses, he saw Xiao Jiu's limp little body flying out violently, hitting the edge of the broken table, and knocking the chair sideways~
"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo daddy..." xiao jiu's whole body limply lay on the ground, blood gushed out from the corner of her mouth...

"Princess, little princess!"

"Oh my god, Miss Ruan's family actually murdered the princess!"

At this moment, a large number of guards and palace maids poured into the doorway, and they all froze in place. Looking at the dying Xiao Jiu, the whole body was dizzy. If the king knew... Wouldn't their lives be... Thinking of this, everyone stared at Ruan Lianrong in a daze!

It seems that there is a faint gloating, but also a trace of contempt, who made Ruan Lianrong often pretend to be a future king and concubine!
(End of this chapter)

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