Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 820 Chapter 834: Patriarch Ruan's Worries

Chapter 820 Chapter 834: Patriarch Ruan's Worries
"Oh? Then tell me, where did you go wrong? Huh?"

With half-closed eyes, Jun Qianhuang's voice was still calm, but behind the calmness, there was a strong anger, which made Xiao Jiu couldn't help being afraid in her heart!
Those deer-like eyes were full of fear: "Daddy...I...I shouldn't have lied, I shouldn't have used this method to frighten her!" Woooooo, daddy is so scary at this time Said, she is not enough because she is upset to see Ruan Lianrong!

So pretend to be injured on purpose?

Seeing Xiao Jiu's shoulders shrugged, Jun Qianhuang felt unspeakable distress in her heart, sighed leisurely, and hugged her into her arms: "Xiao Jiu, you must be aboveboard when you are angry. Angry, you are my daughter, do you want to use such a method to deal with an irrelevant person, huh?"


"Remember, if you use this method again in the future, see how I punish you!"

"Woooo, daddy said that I can beat her hard?"

"of course can!"

"Daddy, I know I'm wrong, woo woo woo!"

Well, if I knew it was so simple, why would she be beaten!
Seeing Xiao Jiu's aggrieved look, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but smiled softly, reached out and rubbed the top of her head, but in the bottom of her heart, she thought of Yun Feiyue's cute little appearance, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed , I don't know when that girl will come over?
"Your Majesty, the old minister... the old minister is incapable of teaching, and I ask the king to punish him!"

In the hall, the entire oppression was very low, and everyone dared not breathe. They stared at the situation in front of them closely. Patriarch Ruan still straightened his back, and said slowly: "Today, Rong'er Such a thing should be punished!"


Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's mouth curled into a faint smile, and her eyes were so calm that no one could see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Those slender fingers slowly played with a piece of jade in her hand, and gently tapped it on the table. , made a heavy sound~
But Jun Qianhuang was not in a hurry to speak!
Those eagle-like eyes fell on Patriarch Ruan's body!

Even the old Patriarch, who has always been very determined, also felt his back chills at this moment, as if he was being stared at by something, with a terrifying feeling that made him tremble all over.

"Your Majesty, the veteran is naturally willing to bear this mistake!"

Taking a breath with difficulty, he swallowed hard. Patriarch Ruan looked at the young king in front of him, but there was a feeling of fear in his heart. His dark eyes were like a pool of calm water, but he felt that he could Inhale the soul of man!

He... is no longer the kid who was at his mercy!

Thinking of this, Patriarch Ruan's heart trembled faintly, when did this little boy become the terrifying aura he is now!
Although he was afraid in his heart, his face still had that hint of arrogance: "However, I don't know how the little princess is doing now. Why don't I wait for the old minister to show the little princess and make a decision?"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's eyes, who were sitting on the main seat, were still calm, and he couldn't see his emotions clearly. The calmer he was, the more people felt an indescribable fear. Taking a breath, I saw that the faces of the elders of Ruan's family were faintly pale!

If it wasn't for his long-term forbearance and his always arrogant attitude, he might be terrified by Jun Qianhuang's expressionless face at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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