Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 822 Chapter 836: Grandpa, Yue'er understands

Chapter 822 Chapter 836: Grandpa, Yue'er understands

"Hey, grandpa knows that Feiyue girl is sensible, but there are some things that need to be explained!"

Patting the back of her hand, she naturally knew what Yun Feiyue was going to say, and raised a shallow smile: "Okay, can King Xiao tell you how to contact him? How can I go to the upper realm?" Deep regret!

But...he didn't want to stop his granddaughter's soaring aura!
She shouldn't stay in this place and hinder her development!
"Grandpa, of course there is!" Nodding, pinching the stone with his fingers: "He said that he can reach the upper realm through this teleportation stone, but because he was in a hurry, he probably couldn't teleport directly to Let me inform him of his territory, so that he can find me!"

Speaking of which, she was a bit twitchy!

Jun Qianhuang doesn't have any skills, but the ability to find her is always so fast...

But... it was probably because she was going to his territory, which made her feel a little shy in her heart, not to mention that her own ability could not meet the requirements of the upper realm, and Jun Qianhuang had such a superior status. I hope other people look down on me!

"It's just, Grandpa, I've thought about it. I'm not in a hurry to find him when I go to the upper realm. I'm not capable enough. If I go so bluntly, it will be disgusting. I just want to stand by his side and be with him." Shoulder to shoulder, face the world!"

Take a deep breath!

Yun Feiyue said calmly: "It's not that I want to be a dodder flower and cling to him!"

"Okay, my family Feiyue is the best after all, and grandpa is satisfied with this!" He nodded and showed a happy smile. He was not afraid that his family's Xiaoyue'er was not capable enough, but he was afraid that she would cling to the power of a man. It's not a good thing for her!

Look at the worried eyes of grandpa in front of him!

Yun Feiyue laughed softly: "Grandpa, don't worry, I have a partner by my side!"

As he said that, he called out his partners like this, and stood beside the old man of the Yun family one by one: "Don't worry, old man, we will all guard Feiyue!" Qiu Zeyang slowly stood up and brought With a faint smile; "What's more, we will all grow together!"

"Great-grandfather, don't worry, Xiao Xie is here, who else would dare to bully mother!" Chi Xie looked at the reluctance on the face of the old man of the Yun family, and he also understood such feelings in his heart!
Just blink those cute eyes!

With a cute expression on his face, he climbed onto the knees of the old man of the Yun family, wrapped his arms around the old man's arm with his soft and sticky arms, and pouted his pink and tender mouth. There was a 'chirp' on the face: "Great-grandfather, don't worry, I'm a little man!"

"Hey, Xiao Xie'er is so small, she has the nerve to let you protect her?"

He rolled his eyes, glared at Yun Feiyue fiercely, wrapped Chi Xie in his arms distressedly, and rubbed his hair: "You are so cute, it's a pity that great-grandfather can't keep you, you should be obedient in the future Yes, be safe, understand?"

"Woooooo, great-grandfather, don't worry!"

The little head was buried in the arms of the old man of the Yun family, with a strong nasal voice: "When Xiaoxie grows up, and when Xiaoxie becomes strong, he must take his great-grandfather by his side and be filial to him!"

The old man of the Yun family also loves him from the bottom of his heart!
How could he not know?
Blinking her eyes, her pupils were stained with deep reluctance, but also with a touch of determination! ——
It is recommended that Chenxi finish the book "The Black-bellied Concubine: Pluto Adores the Little Concubine Yao", the strong woman is stronger than the man, absolutely love the article, the book is finished, rest assured to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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