Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 825 Chapter 839: Washing away the grievances

Chapter 825 Chapter 839: Washing away the grievances
"Girl, is it someone from the lower realm?"

The village head is quite old, with a white beard hanging on his chin, but the full tone of the mid-term, but it makes people unable to connect with the old man in his seventies and eighties. He said slowly: "No Do you know where the girl is going?"

"Village Chief, we don't have any important places to go, but we just want to know where we are now!"

Originally, Yun Feiyue wanted to ask about the realm of gods and demons!
However, after thinking about it, if this is a hostile territory, wouldn't it be another disaster?
Thinking of this, she shyly said, "We don't have a fixed itinerary either!"

"Village Chief, you can't believe it after hearing this. People like this must be uneasy and kind. Village Chief, you can't just let them go!" Looking at Yun Feiyue and hearing this, the villagers started to riot again Wake up, they don't believe it's true!

His eyes were bloodshot!
With a touch of fierce hatred!

"That's enough, and I know everyone's feelings, but if we kill innocent people like this, what's the difference between us and those people?" How not to know such pain!
Take a deep breath: "Okay, this kind of thing is not random, don't you think her breath is wrong from her breath?"



Although these words calmed down the villagers, after all, the breath of the people from the next class is still very weak. This is a different sense of superiority between the upper world and the next class!

"But, it is inevitable that they are not their accomplices!"

Can't help it, some people are still unwilling!

"village head!"

At this moment, Yun Feiyue calmly looked at the scene in front of her. She could understand their thoughts. If it was her, she would probably think the same way. After a while, she said slowly: "In order to prove my Innocence, and I will learn about this land by the way, I am willing to stay until I find the truth, how about it?"

"Do you want to find the truth or..." After saying this, the man immediately shut his mouth, showing a bit of decadence!
A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes!
"Enough, strong, what else do you want!"

Looking at the man, no, he should be strong, the village chief's eyes were stained with anger: "I know I feel bad about losing your child, but don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing this, everyone was completely silent!
The village chief looked at Yun Feiyue: "Girl, our village used to have a lot of children, but now only Ya'er is left. It's normal for everyone to be excited. Don't worry too much. This is the Nanshan lineage." , we call it Linglan Village! But this is connected to the main city of Nanshan Mountain, Nancheng, and you can find the main city through the sea to the west!"

Nanshan Lineage!
You can also find the main city here!
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's eyes sparkled, although she really wanted to see Jun Qianhuang, but think about it, if she could find the uncle first, it would be good!

"Girl, are you really willing to stay?" The village chief hesitated a bit. After all, it would be best if she could stay to clean up such a matter, but if she is not willing, it seems that it is inconvenient to force others, right?

"village head!"

Nodded: "It's very rare for you to trust us. If I walk away like this, Ruoshui will definitely have a lot of discount on your prestige. I can't do such a thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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