Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 827 Chapter 841: Damn, what did you miss

Chapter 827 Chapter 841: Damn, what did you miss

"Okay, village chief, let's go to the back mountain to have a look!"

"However, girls should be careful with children, many children are missing in the back mountain!"

Seeing that Yun Feiyue and his group were about to leave, the village chief couldn't help but remind a few words: "However, recently, even the village is not quiet. Children disappeared one after another, and many people hid them. I Just look at you kid and be careful!"

Many people hide their children?

Means there are still kids here?

"I still don't ask about it, Xiaoxie is very good, so I'm not so worried!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue said lightly: "Now I am also a suspect. If I inquire about the whereabouts of these children, in case something happens..."

"Okay, then be careful!"

Naturally, the village chief didn't say much, nodded, and let them walk towards the back mountain.

Standing on the peak of the back mountain, looking at the peaceful village at the foot of the mountain, Yun Feiyue was somewhat hesitant. The sea breeze was blowing in waves, carrying a strong aura, which was indeed much stronger than that at the foot of the mountain. : "Brother, do you think this matter is really that simple?"


Yun Feiyue always felt that this was not simply a child missing!
"Hey, in fact, we should see what kind of situation needs to use children!"

Sedum didn't know when he had appeared beside Yun Feiyue, and he frowned slightly: "But I always feel that this village seems to be very peaceful, but it always has an indescribable smell of blood. , I don’t know if you feel it?”

The fingers raised the corner of the robe!
Sitting down like this, his eyes were solemn: "This bloody smell is very strange, it seems that someone can cover it up, but it is still very obvious!"

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue's expression suddenly changed!
"Speaking of which, I thought it was a different atmosphere here, and when I came here, I only felt a strong aura!" Frowning, Yun Feiyue's heart trembled faintly: "It seems that this People should still be in the village!"

Slowly touching his perfect chin!

Yun Feiyue's voice was also a bit colder: "If you say that, I'm afraid there should be virgin boys and girls in the village. I heard that the elixir made of virgin boys and girls is poured with the blood of virgin boys and girls. , the effect of the elixir is stronger, and it can awaken people faster!"


This made Ling Long's heart tremble: "Isn't everyone improving their abilities?"

"In my opinion, it seems that there should be some kind of ceremony. Although the smell of blood here is light, the smell is very strong. It is obvious that these virgins are not dead at all. The smell of blood proves that Living blood!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue stood up abruptly!

There was a bit of anger in the eyes: "In this way, these people are taking blood every day, and they didn't directly let these children..."

"I'm afraid it's true!"

Jing Tian nodded: "We need to find these children now, otherwise I'm afraid there will be piles of skeletons when the time comes!"

"From my point of view, finding and crawling now is bloodless. After school like this every day, even adults can't help it!" Ling Long frowned and sighed softly: "I really don't know what kind of ceremony they want. Are you trying to summon something terrifying?"

Ling Long's unintentional words made the shipping fee feel faintly worried, and his eyes were stained with worry: "No wonder, the elixir here is very strong, I thought everyone here would be able to refine it Where's the pill!"


She always felt like she was missing something!
(End of this chapter)

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