Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 840 Chapter 854: Bullying me?you don't have it

Chapter 840 Chapter 854: Bullying me?you don't have it

"You... who are you?"

The black-clothed man's face was full of horror, and with an indescribable fear, his whole body began to tremble!

"Master, I am the son of Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang!"

As the sound fell, the huge sphere formed by spiritual energy slammed towards the man in black. There was a loud 'bang', and he didn't even have time to call out or react... his whole body was completely swallowed...

It quickly disappeared between heaven and earth, as if it had never been here before!
Chi Xie's terrifying attack made everyone gasp, and there was an indescribable fear in their hearts, but Ya'er was a child after all, so she didn't have so much fear, and rushed over: "Wow, Little brother, you are so powerful, when I want to be so powerful, I can protect my mother and the people in the village!"

Those shining eyes are full of envy!


little brother!

Chi Xie can only endure, endure!

The younger brother is the younger brother, anyway, his real waking age is indeed only three years old!
"You're welcome, I'm mother's son, and it's my responsibility to protect mother." Holding her chin proudly, she said defiantly: "Daddy isn't here, I'm a man, I'm a man!"

默 ̄
The whole group was also drunk when they heard this!

Although the words spoken by such a baby boy are very strange, but at this moment none of them dare to refute. Chi Xie's terrifying ability just now is not comparable to them!

"Mother, uncle and the others are back!"

At this moment, Chi Xie's little finger pointed not far away, and saw Sedum taking the lead, Ling Long and the others followed behind, their faces full of anger...


Open your arms!
Chi Xie charged towards Ling Long, and Ling Long opened his arms to follow Chi Xie's small body: "Hey, Xiao Xie can protect your mother today?"

"Uncle, don't worry, that little Xuanshen step, how can Xiao Xie's opponent!" He proudly raised his chin, and said in awe: "Daddy often asks us to retreat, not only to retreat, but also to retreat." Fight with people who have stepped into your rank!"

Oh oh oh!
Daddy is a devil!
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was also dumbfounded!

Emotional Jun Qianhuang was more merciless when training Xiaojiu and Chixie than treating herself!
Well, she also understands that Jun Qianhuang is doing this for their own good, after all, their position cannot allow them to be weak!
"Brother, what did you see, Sedum, what's going on?" Yun Feiyue walked over and hugged Chi Xie in her arms. At this moment, the villagers also looked at him with puzzled expressions. With this group of people!

"The children were rescued!"

Jing Tian watched Yun Feiyue's eyes fall on her, and he was relieved in his heart: "So don't worry, just bring Abai and Zeyang over here in a while! Their faces are a little weak, and we dare not give them any casualties." Take the pill!"

"It's okay, I'm here!"

Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue also understood that this elixir is medicine after all, how could it be messed up?


Hearing this, everyone was startled, and looked at the group of people in front of them with deep longing... The bottom of their hearts began to look forward to it!
"Village chief, the child that Sedum and the others mentioned was taken away earlier, as for the child that the villagers mentioned just now. I'm afraid I have to go to the place where you hide the child to find it. I guess what I saw before was just a fake. !"

(End of this chapter)

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