Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 842 Chapter 856: Sedum's Sorrow

Chapter 842 Chapter 856: Sedum's Sorrow

"Huzi, Erya, don't be afraid, without father, there are still us!"

"That's right, that's right, aren't we all your uncles?"

The villagers are honest after all, and naturally they don't want such a thing to happen to two innocent children, and they couldn't help but comfort each other.

"Okay, Huzi, Er Ya, don't be afraid, let Auntie show you first!"

Yun Feiyue walked over slowly, patted the tops of their heads lightly, and said softly: "Well, my dear, take this elixir and let your body recover first, so that you can go home Already!"

"Woo, thank you uncle!"

"Thank you uncle!"

The two children seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit weird, but they were still children after all, with sadness written all over their faces, but they didn't cry.

After all the children swallowed Yun Feiyue's elixir, their complexions gradually recovered a bit!

"Okay, take the children back and take good care of them. I guess they will recover soon!" Yun Feiyue stood up slowly with a little exhaustion, feeling that her body was also a little weak!
Seeing this, the villagers felt deep gratitude and apology in their hearts!
It's just that Yun Feiyue didn't care about these villagers, and soon saw that the children were taken away one after another, and Sedum and the others had returned to the village chief's house safe and sound, which made her feel happy. Yun Feiyue breathed a sigh of relief!

"Fei Yue, looking at your complexion seems very bad, it seems that you also need to relax completely!"

Jing Tian's eyes were full of deep worry, he pressed his lips tightly, and said after a while: "Why can't he care about you, and let you wander like this alone?"

I don't know why!
Sedum has a strong sense of repulsion towards Jun Qianhuang who has never met before!
Maybe this is a natural rival in love!
"Sedum, I'm not a dodder, so naturally I don't want to be attached to him, do you understand?" He shook his head lightly, and said slowly: "What I want to do is the powerful strength behind him, I want to What I want to do is to be a woman who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him and proudly proud of the world!"

Jun Qianhuang doesn't need a woman like a dodder grass, does she?

Looking at the firmness in Yun Feiyue's eyes, Jingtian felt restless in his heart: "Yes, yes, I don't understand, and I don't need to understand! I just understand that you have no support by your side. Where is a man!"

Hear this!

Instead, Yun Feiyue raised a bright smile!

The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked: "Yeah, what is he doing at this time? Although I can't know, I can guarantee that if my life is really threatened, he will be the first to come!"

Thinking of everything that Jun Qianhuang has done for herself!
There is indescribable happiness in Yun Feiyue's heart, and the slight smile on the corner of her mouth is so dazzling... Well, at least for Sedum, it is indeed a bit dazzling!

"Sedum, you...you don't know, outsiders can't understand the monarch's doting on her!"

Ah Bai raised a slight smile, walked over, and patted him on the shoulder: "In the future, you will understand!"


He will understand later!
They all came here too!

Nodding his head, although Sedum was deeply unwilling in his heart, he also knew that he really shouldn't speak at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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