Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 849 Chapter 863: What is the plan?

Chapter 849 Chapter 863: What is the plan?

A whole?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was startled, no wonder the giants actually appeared in the secret cave, probably because of the ancient battle, they were sealed!
"Crimson Moon! I think I will leave you for a while!"

There was deep reluctance in his eyes, and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "But don't worry, we are connected by blood! It's not easy to abandon me!" There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that the reluctance in my heart is so obvious!

Gently took Yun Feiyue's hand, and said slowly: "Feiyue, you said that if I knew you one step earlier than him, what do you think..."


Hearing this, Yun Feiyue quickly pulled out her hand, and looked into the distance with a misty look in her eyes: "There is no such assumption about emotional matters, and there is no distinction between the front and the back. If you like it, you like it." , there is no reason!"

"Okay, I understand!"

Sedum is not a fool either. Hearing this, he just smiled lightly and turned his head away: "I'm leaving, I hope you have a safe journey. When I find my homeland, I will look for you!"

Slowly took a step~
Without waiting for Yun Feiyue to say anything, he left at such a speed with a hint of sadness.


Chi Xie took Yun Feiyue's hand, also with a bit of sadness: "Let's go down the mountain!" I have to say, in fact, if Sedum didn't grab his mother from his father, he would definitely like it very much!

Mother can only belong to father!

Walking slowly along the mountain road, looking at the bustling crowd at the foot of the mountain and the people hurrying around, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but search for someone at random and began to consult: "Hey, big brother, you are so In a hurry, what are you going to do?" She blinked, with a bit of curiosity!

"Hey, girl, you don't know. Tomorrow at the latest, the Eldest Young Master's spaceship is coming. Why don't we hurry there to see if we can get a seat!" A simple and honest smile: "However, it is not so easy to get on the spaceship of the eldest son. You see, everyone has a lot of medicinal materials in their hands!"

"Oh, thank you brother!"

"Hey, I think you are a girl, you have to pay attention to everything you do, don't stare at someone who cares, otherwise..." At this point, the man just shook his head and didn't continue.

He took a step and quickly walked towards the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the big man like this, Yun Feiyue was also very curious in her heart, what was it that made this big man so taboo?


At this moment, an old woman came over, supported by a girl in scarlet clothes behind her, and said, "Hey, are you rushing to get on the spaceship too? The number of people on this spaceship is limited, no Do you know what the girl brought?"

The mother-in-law showed kindness on her face.

There was a faint light of happiness in her eyes, and even the girl behind her said sweetly: "Sister, if you don't have any good things, you won't get on the spaceship!"

"Ah, what?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue simply pretended to be confused: "I'm just a passerby, what does this spaceship mean? Do you want to exchange good things for a spaceship ticket?" Blinking those clear eyes, with deep Puzzled!
For some reason, she always felt that the old lady's eyes seemed to be shining with ill intentions.
I recommend Chenxi's finished version of "The Black-bellied Concubine: Pluto Adores the Little Concubine Yao", strong women are stronger than men!Absolute favorite article, the book has been finished, welcome to jump into the pit!

(End of this chapter)

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