Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 855 Chapter 869: Looking for death, I will give you a ride!

Chapter 855 Chapter 869: Looking for death, I'll give you a ride!
Suddenly, the man's face changed suddenly!
Regardless of the young man who had already bullied himself, he slammed a huge barrier, only to hear a loud bang, and Yun Feiyue's attacks landed on the barrier in numbers, sending out a shock. the sound of the sky~
"Come on!"

Seeing that his attack has no effect at all!

Yun Feiyue's heart trembled, and she took the young man's hand and rushed towards the direction where the spaceship must stop: "Damn it, run!"

"No, girl, how can I let you die innocently!"

It was obvious that the young man was also stubborn. Although he ran at the speed of Yun Feiyue, he had no aura after all, so he couldn't outrun Yun Feiyue. He bit his lip and said, "Hurry up, don't get innocently implicated!"

"Hmph, how could I just leave like this!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue calmly looked at the stubborn young man in front of her: "Of course, if you think you can handle him, you can do it too! But aren't you sure that the eldest son's spaceship is coming? If we rush over at this time , maybe there will be hope!"

Hear this!

The young man's face was also a little excited: "Young Master's spaceship is never late!"

"Good relationship, you lead the way, after I'm done, remember to find a way to let the eldest son know what's going on here!" Yun Feiyue pushed the young man's body forward fiercely: "Hurry up! "

I saw her delicate figure suddenly standing on the spot, raising a cold smile: "Go to hell!"

Following that tender shout, she saw the speed of her hands forming seals, and the spiritual energy immediately condensed in the palm of her hand: "Phoenix dances for nine days!" The ice phoenix with a terrifying aura just condensed in the air, fiercely It rushed towards the man who was chasing after him!


The man didn't have time to react, only to see that aura hit him fiercely!

The whole person took a dozen steps back, clutching his chest tightly with his fingers, a mouthful of blood seemed to surge in his chest: "You stupid woman, why did you do this!" There was strong anger in his eyes!



His eyes were filled with killing intent: "Very well, if you want to die yourself, then I will give you a ride!"

Following his anger, I saw that his speed began to seal, with a touch of trepidation: "Go to hell!" The tone fell, and a strange aura flashed in his fingers and fell towards Yun Feiyue~
Feel the terrible breath!

Yun Feiyue held her breath tightly, her eyes were stained with worry, but she had no time to say anything, the terrible aura slammed down towards her body, the severe pain made her feel her own pain. Breathing seems to be starting to be a little difficult!




Feel Yun Feiyue's pain!
Chi Xie, Xiao Zi and Xiao Tian couldn't help screaming, and saw Chi Xie's red eyes, with strong anger: "Mother, let me come!"

"No, Xiaoxie, it's not time yet!"

Shaking her head, Yun Feiyue spat out the thick mouthful of blood on her chest, moved her stiff body, and looked coldly at the complacent man: "Tsk tsk, I thought you were so powerful, so it turns out That's all!"

There is a bit of disdain in the tone!

This made the man's face look a little angry again: "Very good, you didn't die like this, it seems that I underestimated you!"

 I strongly recommend Chen Xi to finish the book "The Black-bellied Concubine: Pluto Adores the Little Concubine Yao", the book is finished, so don't worry~ strong women and strong men are even stronger! 1V1, absolute favor!
(End of this chapter)

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