Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 865 Chapter 879: Jun Qianhuang is very capable

Chapter 865 Chapter 879: Jun Qianhuang is very capable
"Brother, are you scared by this brat?" He frowned, with a deep smile: "You can't underestimate this kid, Huang didn't take much trouble when he was training him, and Xiaoxie didn't take too much trouble. Pay the sweat!"

"That pervert~ He... It's alright for him to be perverted himself, how could he make his son so perverted!"

quite a while!

Only then did Shui Shui Mengting regain her tone, and said inconceivably: "Who doesn't know that Jun Qianhuang is a legend in the entire Longxuan Continent, he is a pervert, and now he doesn't know who can still be his opponent!"

If it is about fighting alone!
This Jun Qianhuang is definitely a master!

No, it should be said that his power has gradually become the number one in Longxuan Continent!
Seeing this, Shui Mengting could only say: "As expected of his son, as well as the woman he likes, they are all perverts, and the whole family is perverts!"
How balanced is my heart now!

Murong Se simply closed his mouth and said nothing more!
He used to think that he was perverted enough, but when it comes to Jun Qianhuang, he feels that everything is so normal!

"Senior brother, how do I go now?" She tilted her head with a bit of determination, and her eyes were also stained with a touch of cunning that no one could ignore!

"Okay, I'll tell you how to get there, but remember to take care of the matter and come back to have a look. There is our Nanshan lineage behind you, do you understand?" Staring at Yun Feiyue quietly, Shui Mengting said seriously: " So, there is nothing you can't do for Jun Qianhuang!"

"Well, thank you brother!"

Hear it!

Yun Feiyue's eyes lit up, with a bit of trepidation: "Don't worry, I know my identity, and I also understand my identity!"


No matter who Jun Qianhuang is!

She knew that this man was hers!

"Then you don't need to worry about these two days!" Nodding, Shui Mengting smiled slightly: "When our ship leaves tomorrow, we will reach the border of Wangcheng in two days. There is a teleportation array at the border, but this teleportation The formation can only be teleported to the realm of the gods and demons, and no one can be sure where it can be teleported, but the only thing that is certain is that the main city cannot be teleported at will!"

"In this way, it means that you can't reach the land of broken souls?"

"Well, but if you're lucky, you can reach the border of the Land of Broken Souls!"

Listening to Shui Mengting's explanation, Yun Feiyue breathed a sigh of relief instead, and said with a slight smile: "Alright, I will take advantage of the recent time to study the form over there. For now, it is only because of the internal problems of the king and concubine. something?"

"Yes, the matter of the Blackwater City is only heard for the time being, but with Jun Qianhuang's ability, it's not that I underestimated the Blackwater City!"

Shui Mengting snorted coldly with a face full of disdain!
Along the way, listening to Shui Mengting and his team's explanation of the Shensha domain, they also roughly understood the uproar caused by Jun Qianhuang in the Longxuan Continent!
"Well, I'm so tired!"

A stretch!
These days, she has been staying in the room almost every day. At this moment, Yun Feiyue wants to go out for a walk, looking at the blue sea in front of her, and looking up at the pure sky: "Senior brother, I have already given you these orders. You have time to study on your own, I want to go out for a walk!"


The emotional Shuimengting has become a lunatic!

Why don't you go out to get some air every day?Crazier than her, I don't know how many times!
(End of this chapter)

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