Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 868 Chapter 882: Yo, this is the teleportation array

Chapter 868 Chapter 882: Yo, this is the teleportation array

Time is slowly passing by!
The spaceship has also landed!
Shui Mengting took Yun Feiyue and walked towards the teleportation array!

It is said to be a teleportation array, but it actually looks very simple. There is only a tall pole on a simple platform, and a flag is floating on the top of the pole!
The pattern on the flag naturally represents the Nanshan line!
"Well, there are still many guards here!" After blinking, Yun Feiyue showed a little curiosity!

The teleportation array itself is not big, but the guards around it are very strict!

That straight figure!

That sharp look!

The aura that permeates her body is so powerful, which made Yun Feiyue faintly like it in her heart: "These people look very strong, but they must be quite tired if they guard like this every day!"

It has to be said that such a person represents the face of the Nanshan lineage!

It is also necessary to protect the facade of Nanshan!

"That's natural, well, after a while, you can touch the teleportation array, and you can send it to where you need it!"

He handed the token to the surrounding guards casually, and saw the guards greeted him respectfully, and took Yun Feiyue to stand on the teleportation formation. Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew, and Yun Feiyue's heart was stained a little. Can't give up!
Looking back, he waved his hand towards Shuimengting, stained with deep reluctance~
Seeing this, Shui Mengting felt reluctance in his heart, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "Hey, we'll wait for you to come back, you know?"

Until... Yun Feiyue's figure completely disappeared on the edge of the teleportation formation, Shui Mengting left slowly with a bit of disappointment, this little junior sister herself has not had time to love her!

Just leave!
The wind was blowing against his face, bringing a painful feeling!

The bright lights in front of her eyes made Yun Feiyue feel that she couldn't even open her eyes, she could clearly feel her body moving forward at a high speed, she closed her eyes tightly, and she could still feel the bright lights in front of her eyes!
Just waiting for the moment when my body stands firm, I see a piece of clear water and green mountains, which is very seductive!
The aura also seems to be significantly stronger than that in the Nanshan lineage at that time, I don't know how much!
Looking up towards the top of the highest mountain, I saw that the top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland: "My God, where is that, it seems to be a fairy!" Slightly raised a smile!
Naturally, she also knew that she had arrived at Jun Qianhuang's territory!
This feeling made her feel a little bit happier, as if she was so close to Jun Qianhuang!
"Mother, this is the domain of gods and demons!"

At this moment, Chi Xie's small figure suddenly jumped out, and with cheerful steps, he said excitedly: "Oh my God, we are so lucky that we are not far from the land of broken souls!"

The land of broken souls!

Well, even Yun Feiyue knows that the land of broken souls is the center of the domain of gods and demons, and the highest mountain in the land of broken souls is the top of the snow mountain!

This is where Jun Qianhuang is!

"Mother, that's where daddy is, the top of the snow mountain!" Raising his little hand, Chi Xie hurriedly explained like offering a treasure: "However, there are still two days' journey from here to the foot of the snow mountain top. !"

Chi Xie felt a little worried in his heart: "I don't know how these damn goblins will use to confuse Dad. You don't know, this woman is really shameless!"

Speaking of Ruan Lianrong, Chi Xie's eyes were clearly filled with disdain!
(End of this chapter)

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