Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 873 Chapter 887: Madam Yazhai?good choice

Chapter 873 Chapter 887: Madam Yazhai?good choice
"Hahaha, you follow me to become Mrs. Yazhai, what money do you need to buy the road, everything about me is yours, hahahaha!"

In order to hide the fear in my heart!
The bandit leader took a deep breath!

Pretending to be an uncle, he laughed: "How about it, little lady!"

"Xiao Xie, they don't seem to be willing to leave money to buy the road. What should we do?" Yun Feiyue looked at Chi Xie in his hand lightly, rubbed the top of his head with her fingers, and left a smile!
I saw Chi Xie's slick eyes turning!
With an innocent smile: "Mother, they are not willing to leave money for the road, so we won't follow them!"



I stare!

Yun Feiyue gave Chi Xie a hard look!
Hearing this, the bandit leader's mind started to work: "Okay, okay, it's just money. If the lady is willing to come with me, I'll leave you money to buy the road, how about it?"

Anyway, follow yourself!

It's your own person!

This made his heart very excited!

His eyes were also tinged with excitement: "Then, how much do you want, little lady?"

"Oh, sir, do you agree?" The face hidden under the cotton gauze was full of bloodthirsty, and the eyes were stained with a thick layer of blood: "Then I want everyone to leave some road money, Otherwise, I will not obey!"

"Okay, okay, all of you take out your money and see how much the little lady wants!"

hear this~

All the little ones are dumbfounded!

The money I managed to snatch back at the risk of risking it... Is it going to be given away before the profession is hot?
They had a mournful face, but they didn't dare to refute, and quickly took out all the money from their pockets, with a pitiful expression: "Boss, we have this for ourselves!"

"Boss, let's see how much Madam needs!"

Hearing this, the bandit leader also showed an excited smile: "Yes, little lady, how much do you need?"

"Not much, just need one arm and one leg for each person, how about it!" He raised his eyebrows and looked at the bandit leader in front of him with strong sarcasm~~

Hearing this, everyone gasped!

Feelings have been molested by this little lady!
Immediately, the bandit leader's face was gloomy, and he stared fiercely at Yun Feiyue in front of him, and took a deep breath: "You little lady, you really don't give me face, it seems that I should give you something to look good, sir!"

As he said that, he made a look: "Go, give this kid to the uncle and I will catch him!"

"Yes, boss!"

Hearing this, everyone was excited. This little lady who doesn't know what to do dares to tease them, hum!Immediately, one by one fiercely besieged Yun Feiyue~

"Hey, son! These people want to arrest you, tsk tsk, mother is so scared here!"

"Mother, don't be afraid, my son will clean up the bad guys for you, okay?"

"Okay, my dear son, mother kisses your face!" As she said, she hugged Chixie and kissed Chixie hard, not paying attention to these robbers at all!

Look at this look!

This made these robbers completely dumbfounded!
The bottom of my heart became more and more angry: "Damn it, you really don't pay attention to me!"

"Puchi, you are so insignificant, even if my mother wants to put you in her eyes, she can't see it!" Chi Xie blinked her cute eyes: "Mother, they seem to be eager to die! "

"Well, then Xiaoxie, you can figure it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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