Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 875 Chapter 889: Golden Winged Roc

Chapter 875 Chapter 889: Golden Winged Roc
"You... you, what on earth do you want to do!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the bandit leader's heart trembled fiercely!

His eyes were stained with deep fear, and his face had already lost all color. If he had known this, he shouldn't have gone out today, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Don't...don't, let me go, let me go!"

Watching this little milk baby slowly approaching him!
The bandit leader wished he could faint quickly!
"No, no!"

Chi Xie's figure was still slowly approaching the bandit leader, which made the bandit leader's heart entangled to death!
"Mother said you need an extra hand, hmph, who made you so arrogant just now!" Saying that, Chi Xie's eyes didn't blink, and just fell down again with a terrifying aura...

Ah~ a scream!
It resounded through the sky, and everyone who heard it couldn't help trembling, with deep fear...

"Hmph, if it's useless, don't imitate others, it's really embarrassing!" Rolling his eyes, Chi Xie couldn't help snorting: "Remember, it's either too big or uncle, I understand what I said ?"

His eyes widened!
At this moment, Chi Xie is showing off his might!

Looking at the situation in front of him, the bandit leader dared to refute, nodding repeatedly: "Yes yes yes, you are the uncle, you are the uncle, you are the uncle!" Hiss~ his voice was trembling!
When he came back to his senses, there was no sign of Chi Xie~ It's a pity that this place is full of blood...

"Mother, you are really cruel!"

Chi Xie pouted and leaned on Yun Feiyue with a pitiful expression: "Mother, are you willing to let me stay here alone for a year? I'm not afraid that my son will be deceived by others." let's go~"

Woooooo, I'm so pitiful, I'm drunk after meeting such a mother!
"Who made you like to show off!" Gently knocking on the top of his head, Yun Feiyue looked at Chi Xie with a faint smile: "Xiao Xie, I think we should start hiding our clumsiness, I always feel as if there are eyes watching me!"

Look at Yun Feiyue like that!

Chi Xie nodded nonchalantly: "It's not a good thing to hide clumsiness here, but I will pay attention!" Chi Xie naturally knew Yun Feiyue's worry, and the touch in his heart was naturally not the slightest bit!
The two looked at each other!
Yun Feiyue carried Chi Xie in her arms and continued walking towards the land of broken souls!

According to the footsteps of the carriage, it really took two days to reach the territory of the land of broken souls!

At this moment, there are already quite a few people waiting for the opening of the city gate, and looking at the long queue, Yun Feiyue couldn't help being curious: "My God, is this the land of dead souls? Is it the center of the gods and demons?"

Squinting slightly!
Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the top of the snow mountain is still out of reach!

The majestic city gate is very tall and stretches for hundreds of miles, and the end of the city wall cannot be seen. The huge moat is very spectacular, and it seems to be calm, but Yun Feiyue feels that there are many strange monsters under the moat!
I'm afraid I can't swim even if I want to!
The eagle is circling in the sky!

No, not an eagle!

Looking over carefully, Yun Feiyue was startled: "This seems like a lot of golden-winged rocs!"

"Well, of course it is!"

Nodding his head, Chi Xie said slowly, "That's the golden-winged roc protecting the city. Daddy said that there are at least five or six teams, hovering in the sky every day!" There are dozens of golden-winged rocs!

(End of this chapter)

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