Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 886 Chapter 900: Identity is so easy to use!

Chapter 886 Chapter 900: Identity is so easy to use!
"Princess Wang, the two young ladies have come in!"

The court lady gave a salute in a proper manner, and she didn't ignore it because the ceremony of the king and concubine had not yet been held!
The tone is very soft!
"So, let the two ladies sit down. I'm tired too. I don't know if the two ladies can care about it?" Slowly put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, leaned back slightly, and then took Looking at Ruan Lianrong and Marona with an indifferent smile.

"However, my concubine doesn't understand why you choose this time to visit my concubine. Could it be that your food is not delicious?"

Tilting his head, his eyes were stained with disdain!
Then he said slowly: "Go, add a pair of bowls and chopsticks for them, so as not to say that the princess doesn't want to see them!"

Hearing this, Ruan Lianrong and Malona's complexions suddenly changed, turning dark a little bit, obviously they came early, okay, but they have to delay until the time of eating, is it to humiliate them?
Thinking of this, Ruan Lianrong's face became even more angry!

"Girl's kindness, then I won't refute it!" Seeing that Ruan Lianrong was about to get angry!

A slight smile appeared on Marona's face, and she passed Ruan Lianrong and said slowly: "It's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Marona's seemingly flattering words!
But it is obviously belittling the king and concubine!
Immediately, the face of the palace maid also changed suddenly, and even Chi Xie and Xiao Jiu who were still eating snacks just now swept over with a strong anger, but unfortunately Marona didn't seem to notice: "However, we are envious The girl can make the king like it!"

"is it?"

Yun Feiyue acted as if she hadn't heard it!
His eyes narrowed slightly, with a slight smile: "Don't you know that there are some things that you can't envy? Even if I'm not a king or princess now, what I enjoy is the treatment of a king and princess. !"

She stood up, approached Marona, and raised an evil smile: "Why, the girl feels unconvinced?" She put her fingers lightly on her shoulders, and her voice was so gentle that water could be squeezed out!

But that's the case!
On the contrary, Ruan Lianrong was under an obvious indescribable pressure!

I don't know why!

At this moment, Marona just felt her whole body trembling. The girl who was obviously younger than her frightened her heart!

Swallowing down the fear in her heart, she also raised a bright smile: "Isn't it? After all, our identities are also very different, but now it's not that mothers are more expensive than children!"

"Tsk tsk, don't you know that you are not qualified!"


There was a lot of anger in her eyes, her fingers pinched her neck tightly like this, and she raised an evil smile: "Don't forget, the rules of this world, no matter how unwilling you are, in the face of rights, You are****!"

Give it a hard yank!
Immediately lifted Marona's body...

Seeing the violent scene of Yun Feiyue, everyone's expression changed immediately, especially the palace maid showed a hint of disbelief, you must know that the king and concubine have always been gentle!

The tone is so intoxicating!
But now this madness... is like a devil!
All of a sudden, they discovered that the queen and concubine are actually very suitable for the king. Isn't it an illusion that people can easily control the king when he is not angry?
(End of this chapter)

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