Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 889 Chapter 903: A Nanny Rong falls from the world

Chapter 889 Chapter 903: A Nanny Rong falls from the world
"What, Nanny Rong has already left the mountain, this is going to be a disaster for Miss Ma!"

The maid waiting outside heard this, her face was as black as the bottom of a pot!

I can't help but feel scared for Marona!

"Chutian, you go to Ma's house in person, and ask Patriarch Ma to raise his daughter himself. My king's concubine is not idle and educates her daughter!" His eyes were filled with strong anger!

The old Patriarch of the Ma family has been in seclusion for a while, and he hasn't come out yet!

Now it is replaced by the elder of the Ma family. It just so happens that this elder is Marona's father!

"Yes, king!"

Hearing this, Chu Tian left quickly, with a trace of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, did these people really think that the king was still bullying at will when he was young?

Now that the king can stand up, these people still want to control the king through the king and concubine!

Simply ridiculous!
"Mother Rong?"

Listening to the maid's words, Yun Feiyue's face turned dark all of a sudden!

Well, it turns out that Nanny Rong in Huanzhugege really exists!
Nima, it turns out that this nurse is still a fierce spokesperson no matter where she goes!

So she felt that she was completely convinced: "Nurse Rong, please let her be, anyway, I don't need my concubine to teach these things myself!" She shrugged indifferently, and said slowly: "Send her out, and I will give you some advice in the future." Slowly learn the rules outside, this concubine doesn't want to have a headache looking at these things!"

Hearing this, the palace lady was dumbfounded again!

After a while: "Concubine Jun, this Nanny Rong is the king's nanny, and even the king is courteous to her!"


? ? ? ?
Hearing this, countless question marks popped up in Yun Feiyue's mind, and she looked at the maid in front of her in puzzlement: "Well, I already know, could it be that the princess should kneel down towards her?"

Nima, is it true that a nanny has a higher status than a king or concubine?
Who is Nima scaring!
Seeing the puzzled Concubine Jun in front of her, the maid couldn't help but chuckled, it turned out that the Concubine Jun was also in such a cute situation, but they had to say: "The Concubine Jun's identity is certainly not a mere nurturing mother It can be compared, but... after all, it is because of her special status, it seems that it is not good for you to let her outside!"

"It's up to me whether it's good or not!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue finally came to her senses!

He said lightly: "Could it be that the status of this princess is not as good as hers?"


She's not a fool either, if a foster nun climbed on top of her head, what would she do in the days to come?
It is a must to give her a blow!

"Concubine Jun, Madam Rong is here!" At this moment, the voice of the palace maid came from the door: "I wonder if Concubine Jun wants to summon you?"

"Well, let her in!"

Hear it!

Yun Feiyue sat up again, with a faint smile in her eyes, and said slowly: "Nurse Rong, please forgive me!" Seeing that the imposing manner on her face, she walked away slowly come in~

Pride is written all over her face!
This made Yun Feiyue feel bad in her heart!

But after all, she is Jun Qianhuang's foster mother, she has to give her some face no matter what!
"Thank you, Concubine Junwang!" Mother Rong's expression remained unchanged, she was not shocked by honor or disgrace, her voice was as calm as water, and she slowly stood on the spot: "I don't know that Concubine Jun asked the old slave to come, but what orders do you have?"

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue felt that her stomach hurts, and the feelings of this Rongmao are really... well, thinking of Jun Qianhuang, she still endured it: "Don't Rongmao know what my concubine calls you?"

Take a deep breath!

Although I endured it, it didn't mean that my majestic king and concubine would be oppressed by an old slave!
(End of this chapter)

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