Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 895 Chapter 910: Top of the Snow Mountain

Chapter 895 Chapter 910: Top of the Snow Mountain
"Ma'am, slow down and no one will grab you!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's gobbling, Jun Qianhuang only felt a burst of joy in her heart, and she was the most proud with a faint smile: "Hey, slow down, slow down~"

Holding the tea, watching Yun Feiyue choke!
Immediately handed the cup to her and took a sip of water~

After a meal, it was settled in such a warm situation, Yun Feiyue only felt her belly swell!

He stood up, gently rubbed his abdomen, and showed a bitter smile: "I feel like I've been reincarnated as a starving ghost!" Woooooo, this seems embarrassing!

Well, luckily no one was around!
Looking at Yun Feiyue's bitter face, Jun Qianhuang smiled again: "Hey, it's okay, my husband won't laugh at you, why don't we go outside to get some air?"

"Well, that's fine!"

Hiccupping hard, Yun Feiyue felt her whole body was soft, couldn't help but rolled her eyes fiercely again, if it wasn't for this man who desperately asked for it once and for all, she would have become like this is it scary?

Looking at Yun Feiyue's obviously displeased expression!

But Jun Qianhuang's heart became more and more excited!
He simply stretched out his hand and wrapped her tightly in his arms, and said softly: "I'll take you to the top of the snow mountain to see our city, okay?"

"So good!"

These words made Yun Feiyue's heart a little happy!

The top of the snow mountain!

There is peace now!
The top of the snow-capped mountain is not because of the perennial snow, but because there is a kind of white flower blooming on the top of the snow all the year round. From a distance, it looks like snow covered the top of the mountain, rendering it very beautiful, which makes people bear I can't help but like it a little more!

"Huang, what kind of flower is this, it's so beautiful!"

There was a sparkle in his eyes, he opened his arms and rushed into the flowers, raising a touch of happiness: "Oh my god, this flower is really fragrant, I feel that this is not an ordinary flower!"

"Well, so what does my wife think?"

Looking at her elf-like appearance, the excitement in Jun Qianhuang's eyes became a bit thicker. She wrapped her waist around her from behind, pressed her face against hers, but gently leaned her chin against hers. On her shoulder: "I don't know if Ma'am knows this thing?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue also showed a faint smile!

Both hands covered her big hands, and her face was closer to his, and she said slowly: "This makes me feel like some kind of spiritual fruit, definitely not ordinary flowers and plants!"

"What madam said is true!"

Hear it!

Jun Qianhuang put a kiss on her face in shock!
Then he said slowly: "This is the longevity fruit. The entire top of the snow mountain is covered with longevity fruits. The so-called longevity fruit, if a normal person eats one, it can prolong life for about ten years, but if it is us, it will increase aura!"

Hiss~ There are actually longevity fruits in the world!

Immediately, Yun Feiyue's heart shone brightly!

"Can there be such a thing in this world?" His eyes fell on the longevity fruit tree, and he saw that the whole tree was covered with white flowers, and he gently brushed these petals with his fingers: "Then how much fruit will it bear! "

"Puchi, if every tree is full of fruit, then it's not worth being surprised!"

Stretching out her hand to scratch her Qiong nose, Jun Qianhuang naturally understood her thoughts, and said slowly: "A tree has at most five fruits, and it takes 100 years for these trees to bloom. It will take 100 years for results, and 100 years for maturity!"

(End of this chapter)

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