Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 903 Chapter 918: Tsk tsk, is this concubine really easy to deceive?

Chapter 903 Chapter 918: Tsk tsk, is this concubine really easy to deceive?
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue was extremely depressed!
Well, this woman is really not an ordinary person, if she is not too simple, then she is too powerful!
But how could the prostitute daughter from this aristocratic family be too innocent?
There was a bit of a smile in his eyes, and he said slowly: "This little thing can't trouble my concubine, but I didn't expect Miss Cheng to come to me right now, why is there something wrong?"

"My lord, it's actually not a big deal!"

Cheng Litong raised an excited smile, and there was a little light in those big eyes that seemed to have no calculations, and she looked at Yun Feiyue tenderly: "The little girl just came out of retreat recently, thinking about it now, she should Come out to see the princess, maybe you can solve the problem for the princess!"

A sweet smile was raised: "Look at me, I don't have much promise. If I don't make some snacks for the king and concubine, I don't know if it suits the taste of the king and concubine. If the king and concubine like it, then the next time the minister Continue to do it for you, what do you think?"

As he spoke, he showed a delicate and cute expression.

Immediately, Yun Feiyue couldn't help being happy, and said with a shallow smile: "It made you feel good, so I won't be polite to this concubine!" She nodded, smiled slowly, and took the things Come over: "Xiuju, go and put it away, this concubine is walking around this yard with Miss Cheng, you don't have to worry about it!"

"Yes, princess!"

Hearing this, Xiuju felt an indescribable worry in her heart!
Especially seeing the Concubine Jun start to relax her guard under her few words, showing a look of liking, this heart is also faintly uneasy!

It's just that at this moment, she wouldn't say anything stupidly, took the snacks, and left quickly!
"Okay, Miss Cheng, just sitting here seems boring, how about going for a walk in the Imperial Garden?" Tilting her head, Yun Feiyue showed a bit of coquettishness at the moment, and said with a soft smile: " Don't say that Miss Cheng is boring!"

"How could it be, it is a little girl's honor to be able to enter the palace to accompany the king and concubine!"

Hear this!

Looking at Yun Feiyue in front of her, she was actually a little less wary of herself!

This made her heart faintly excited, and the light in her eyes also dimmed a bit!
The breeze was blowing slowly, and the entire imperial garden was quite lively!
Especially when the big day of sacrifice is coming, everyone is so busy that they wish they could have more hands and feet!
That busy look made Cheng Litong feel jealous in her heart, all of this will belong to her one day, and it will all belong to her!Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the frenzy in his heart!

Her eyes were stained with sincerity: "It seems that the king really loves the princess!" She said, and smiled softly along her small mouth: "Such a big event is actually arranged in person!"


She admitted that she was extremely jealous from the bottom of her heart!
"That's right!" Yun Feiyue also blinked her eyes, showing her innocent face: "Originally, this concubine wanted to intervene in such a thing, but the king said..." Her face was slightly pale when she said this. Her face turned rosy, with a bit of the shyness of a daughter's family, but she didn't continue talking...

This made Cheng Litong's heart faintly curious: "Concubine Jun, did the king say anything?" Blinking, she also had a smile on her face!

(End of this chapter)

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