Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 918 Chapter 935: Getting into trouble!Who is afraid of you!

Chapter 918 Chapter 935: Getting into trouble!Who is afraid of you!

Everyone congratulated Jun Qianhuang and Yun Feiyue one by one, and the eyes of Jun Qianhuang and Yun Feiyue were also a little bit excited, and even the golden boy and jade girl beside her... well, it was Chi Xie and Xiao Jiu, of course!

At this moment, the two soft and glutinous little people looked at all the guests with sweet smiles on their faces!
"Hey, isn't this to congratulate the king and concubine?"

Watching the crowd gradually go down to find a seat, Lord Narcissus's eyes were stained with a layer of jealousy, and he walked out slowly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was a hint of charm in his eyes style! ~
Twirling her water-snake-like waist, she approached Jun Qianhuang, with the corners of her mouth pouted slightly, as if a silent invitation, and her tone was slightly seductive: "Your Majesty, don't forget to fly to the Immortal Sect in the future~ "

The tone is very light~
The movements are even more seductive, with a wink~
"If the master of the Feixian Sect has a problem with his eyes, you might as well find this concubine. I have no other skills, but it is still possible to make your eyes clear!"

Yun Feiyue had a cold face!

She walked out slowly, her brows raised slightly: "My concubine has always been good at making certain people recognize their identities. I don't know if you have such a need?"

"You~" Lord Narcissus didn't expect Yun Feiyue to humiliate herself like this!
Immediately, with anger in my heart, I stretched out my finger and pointed at Yun Feiyue... my whole body trembled...

"Oh, how is my concubine?"

Yun Feiyue was not angry at all, she just stretched out her hand and gently pinched Lord Narcissus's wrist, a cold light flashed in her eyes: "Tsk tsk, my concubine, I don't like anyone pointing their fingers at me. Concubine, everyone is here today as guests, this concubine is selling you face, if there is a next time, don't blame this concubine for turning her face and denying others!"

Violently flicked her finger!
Suddenly, Lord Narcissus staggered and almost fell to the ground!
Seeing the sudden change, everyone's expressions changed. If it is said that everyone thought Yun Feiyue in front of them was so beautiful at the beginning, they also felt her powerful aura!
But... I didn't expect that she would turn her back when she said she would turn her back!
Although it is said that the narcissus lord is also a beating, but... this...


Lord Thunder looked at Lord Narcissus being bullied by others, his face turned dark immediately, he looked at Yun Feiyue gloomily, and quickly stabilized Narcissus' body with both hands: "Concubine Jun, don't you think you are going too far?" ?”


Yun Feiyue smiled shallowly, with disdain in her eyes: "Why, Lord Narcissus can provoke this concubine, but this concubine can't resist? Tsk tsk, isn't it because Lord Narcissus has your backing?"


"Don't forget, there is someone backing me!" Without waiting for Lord Lei Ting to say anything, Yun Feiyue snorted softly, put both hands on Jun Qianhuang's arm beside her, and showed a sweet smile: "So Ah, don't shout in front of this concubine, this concubine can't stand such things!"

Look at it like this!

Lord Thunder stared at Jun Qianhuang angrily: "Your Majesty..."


At this moment, the young man behind Lord Thunder came out slowly, his eyes were filled with disdain, and there was a trace of anger in his cold voice: "Lord, it's fine if you want to embarrass yourself. Don't blame me for being rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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