Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 923 Chapter 940: Red Prince

Chapter 923 Chapter 940: Red Prince


Yun Feiyue gently held Jun Qianhuang's hand, and leaned herself into his arms: "Are you really going to do this? Xiaoxie is still young, and I really don't want to let him go. Put it in your arms and love it!"

into the night!

All guests are accommodated!

Of course, those who need to leave have already arranged to leave!

The whole ceremony was very grand and very smooth, which naturally let the two of them breathe a sigh of relief, but thinking of Chi Xie's identity, Yun Feiyue still felt very reluctant in her heart!
It's only that big!

Is it really necessary to give such a mission?

"Little Moon!"

Long sigh!

Jun Qianhuang hooked her body into her arms: "The identity of a prince is not something ordinary people can adapt to, nor can it be cultivated in the future. Chi Xie is so arrogant in his bones, he is suitable for this identity!"

After thinking for a while, he continued: "Besides, it's because the burden on his shoulders is too heavy, so he has to catch it from a young age, otherwise he will be more tired in the future, and I can't let my Shensha domain fall into chaos, what do you think!"

"Well, I know!"

Nodding, how could she not know such a truth?
But... after all, I still feel sorry for Chi Xie!
Youyou sighed: "Okay, but don't worry too much, after all...he's just a child!" Holding her small mouth, she said coquettishly!

"Don't worry, I understand!"

"It's just, Huang, do you really not regret it?" Blinking, she looked seriously at Jun Qianhuang in front of her!

These words made Jun Qianhuang chuckle!
"Xiaoyue'er, everyone is biased, so I am naturally partial too!"

Hold her little hand tightly!

Jun Qianhuang said seriously: "I can't guarantee that when our two children are born, I won't love my children more, but... Chi Xie is also our child, so I want to give my best to you before these things happen. His greatest love and greatest dedication!"

Hear it!

Yun Feiyue was completely dumbfounded!

There is a trace of crystal clear light in the eyes!

Slightly smile!

He nodded slightly again: "Okay, that's great, Chi Xie is our first child!"

"Hey, so are we going to rest now? Hmm~" The brows were raised, and the tone of the voice couldn't help but rise a little: "Today, you are my king's concubine, my concubine, my concubine Favorite!"

Slowly let go of her little hand with his fingers, and instead embraced her waist, with a force, he hooked her into his arms, with a slight smile: "So, for my husband, then where will I help you?" For the sake of the children, shouldn't the madam give some sweets to the husband?"


Revealed those little innocence and innocence! ~
Look at it like this!

Yun Feiyue couldn't help but raised a happy smile, thinking slightly about her toes, wrapped her hands around his neck, and gently hooked his head down, her soft red lips were facing him like this His thin lips stuck to it...

Immediately, the whole scene began to explode like an explosion!
Jun Qianhuang only felt that her whole body was filled with a sense of happiness, and her big hands tightly held her waist, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she stretched out her hands and wrapped her body up ...

"Little fairy, you can't escape no matter what!"

Just like that, she was thrown on the big bed fiercely, and Jun Qianhuang's figure also jumped on it... For a moment, the whole space was filled with an aura of intimacy...

(End of this chapter)

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