Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 927 Chapter 944: Retreat

Chapter 927 Chapter 944: Retreat
Hearing this, Yun Feiyue frowned slightly, and said slowly: "That's fine, I'll take a rest today!"

Stretch out your hand, rub your temples, you have a brand new life in your heart~
She knew that everything was starting to go right!

Chi Xie and Xiao Jiu have also started their own retreat, according to their intention is not to survive the thunder disaster, absolutely not to come out!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyue felt a deep sense of reluctance in her heart, but she also understood Chi Xie and Xiao Jiu's intentions!


The sky gradually dimmed, and Jun Qianhuang had just returned to the room. With a gentle smile, Yun Feiyue walked over slowly, took the cloak in his hand, and smiled slightly: "Why? , did you come back so late?"

He patted the dust on his body: "Have you eaten it? If you haven't eaten it, let's go together!"

"I, ma'am, you have to trust my husband, even if my husband starves to death, I still have to wait for my wife to be with me!"

Well, Jun Qianhuang found that she still likes to eat with Yun Feiyue, it seems to have a warm feeling, and she owes her little hand: "I'm a bit busy these days, you can walk around here by yourself , You can also retreat for a few days!"

"Okay, I understand!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue quickly ordered the maid to bring the dinner over, the two sat down and ate the dinner slowly, then Jun Qianhuang said: "Let's go, I'll take the dinner with you." Ma'am, let's go!"

Before Yun Feiyue can react!
Just like this, Jun Qianhuang took her little hand and walked slowly along the back garden to get motivated!
The night wind blew slowly, which made people feel comfortable. Yun Feiyue's eyes were stained with a happy smile: "You're so busy, don't you know how to rest?"

"Hey, let me walk with you, so my mind will be much better!"

"Did these families put pressure on you again!"

"So what, now that you are an upright king and concubine, what can they do, huh?" Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were indeed stained with anger!

There is also a bit of indescribable cruelty in the breath!

Are these people really taking themselves too seriously?
Seeing the obvious anger on Jun Qianhuang's face, Yun Feiyue just reached out to hold his big hand, and said slowly: "Actually, it's normal for them to object like this, after all, I don't have the slightest prestige!"

"They think so little that I don't know!"

Jun Qianhuang snorted disdainfully: "However, there is no such obvious attack now. I think their plan has failed, and I am just unhappy in my heart!" Shaking her head, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with a faint smile. !
In the end, I didn't say much!
"Huang, did I embarrass you?"

"Hey, don't you think about your identity, how can these people embarrass me?" She raised her eyebrows, obviously Jun Qianhuang still didn't take these things to heart.

He seemed to have thought of something, and said slowly: "By the way, it seems that we should find a chance to go to the city of Blackwater. According to the reports from the spies, many experts who were selected from the Temple of Holy Light went to the city of Blackwater. !"

Hear this!
Yun Feiyue's eyes were filled with an indescribable anger again!

The corners of the brows raised slightly: "Well, maybe there are some secrets in the city of Blackwater, but I want to go to the Nanshan Mountains first. After all, it is the territory of the master. I didn't visit the master last time. Now Come to think of it, it's all about me!"

Yun Feiyue felt an indescribable depression in her heart: "Here, you are busy now, both children are in retreat, I think I should go out for a walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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