Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 937 Chapter 955: Yo, Jiang Zi is really arrogant

Chapter 937 Chapter 955: Yo, Jiang Zi is really arrogant


This is Chi Guoguo's provocation!

There was a hint of coldness in Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang's eyes!
The thick bloodthirsty is so obvious!
"Oh? Are the friends outside trying to threaten me?" Jun Qianhuang stretched out her hand to encircle Yun Feiyue into her protective circle, showing a faint smile, and said slowly: "This doesn't seem to be the case. It's fun!"

The bloodlust in her eyes made Yun Feiyue feel terrible in her heart...

Perhaps, this is the real Jun Qianhuang!
It's not the harmless face in front of me!
The tone of the voice was extremely slow, and the corners of the mouth were slightly hooked: "Why don't the friends outside report their names, maybe we can get to know each other!"

That strong breath outside!

It made Yun Feiyue's eyes dyed with a little fear, as if it was oppressing her heart severely, and this feeling made her feel that the blood in her whole body seemed to be rioting~
She understands even more that this is a danger to her kindness!

Take a deep breath!

I tried my best to use my aura, and severely suppressed the impulse and panic in my heart~

"Hey, I have everything!"

It seems to feel Yun Feiyue's body discomfort!
The murderous intent in Jun Qianhuang's eyes became more and more intense, and he slowly put his palm against her back, and suddenly a steady stream of spiritual energy began to pour into her body...

Feel the infusion of this aura!

Yun Feiyue's complexion naturally improved a bit, but deep down in her heart she disliked the storm~


These people hadn't used their aura yet, they immediately released the terrifying aura on their bodies, which made her helpless. This feeling made Yun Feiyue's heart deeply displeased!

However, looking at Jun Qianhuang who still had a calm face in front of her and was able to support herself with spiritual energy, she couldn't help but become more and more curious in her heart!
What kind of terrifying existence is Jun Qianhuang in front of me!
"Tsk tsk, this deity is already polite enough to you ants, quickly get down and give up the carriage to this deity!" The tone of his voice was suddenly filled with a hint of disdain!Also with a hint of condescension: "Don't worry, this deity is not robbing you of something, this deity can give you a reward!"

Pfft... Isn't Jiang Zi really a steal?
Ah, Nima!

It's almost night, let them walk back in this barren mountain with two feet!

"Tsk tsk, what a big breath!"

Yun Feiyue stabilized her breath, and her eyes were stained with disdain: "Dare to ask, what is it if you are not robbing? Or, if you kill yourself, my concubine will naturally pay for your burial. How about it?" ? Don’t worry, I’m not a bad person, I’ll collect the corpse for you!”


Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but chuckled!

The little girl in my family is indeed unusually domineering and arrogant!

Facing the terrifying aura outside, she can still tease like this, well, he likes everything about her!
People outside heard this!

His complexion suddenly turned dark!

The anger also obviously provoked a bit: "Bold, you dare not obey our lord's words, are you going to force our lord to do something!" There was a strong murderous intent in the tone of his voice!
This made Yun Feiyue's heart even more angry!
Squint your eyes and take a deep breath!
With strong anger, he said slowly: "It's really ridiculous, it makes sense to grab things!"


Sure enough, there are sluts everywhere!
(End of this chapter)

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