Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 943 Chapter 961: Well, I believe you

Chapter 943 Chapter 961: Well, I believe you

"Okay, I'll trust you!"

Hearing these words, Yun Feiyue's heart slowly calmed down, but the shallow smile on the corner of her mouth was so obvious, which made Jun Qianhuang's heart tremble violently again, with deep happiness !
Tightly wrapping her in his arms: "I am so happy to meet you, the love of my life!"

reach out~
Gently picking her perfect chin, slowly bent down and kissed her delicate mouth...

The carriage continued to drive slowly!
Yun Feiyue lay on Jun Qianhuang's lap, and fell asleep like this, with mottled teardrops still hanging on her long eyelashes, and her eye sockets were still a little red and swollen, which made Jun Qianhuang feel unspeakable in her heart. pain!

He stretched out his hand and gently straightened the hair on her forehead, put it behind her ears, and turned her over with both hands to make her sleeping position more comfortable!

I don't know how long it took, Yun Feiyue only felt that the carriage stopped, and she slowly opened her eyes.

But I saw myself wrapped in a cup alone, lying on the bed of the carriage!
The figure of Jun Qianhuang has gone to nowhere!
This made her feel slightly puzzled, she rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly, frowning: "Huang?" She opened her mouth, softly, but there was no response at all, which made Yun Feiyue's heart tremble. 'Clicking'.

sat up abruptly~
Damn it, isn't the devil in him suppressed!
Could it be...he...

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Feiyue felt her heart flustered, her entire face turned pale, she bit her lip, and scrambled to her feet...

I saw the carriage tightly surrounded by a milky white light!

The halo exuded a familiar aura, it was obvious that Jun Qianhuang had given her a protective circle before leaving!

"Huang!" She clenched her fists tightly with her fingers, with deep worry in her heart, but... she was also afraid that Jun Qianhuang would be worried after she went out!Just like that, he stopped at the edge of the carriage, staring at the thin barrier with widened eyes!

It seems to be staring at a pattern!

It seems that this will allow Jun Qianhuang to come over quickly!
From the bottom of my heart, I was faintly worried!

I couldn't help curling up my body, waiting here pitifully... I don't know how long it took, but I felt really sleepy again, and at this moment, Jun Qianhuang slowly walked over!

But looking at her like this, I couldn't help but feel a little pain in my heart!
He walked over quickly and held her in his arms: "Why, you're lying here and sleeping now, huh? How long have you been awake!"

"Oh, Huang!"

Hear Jun Qianhuang's voice!

Yun Feiyue was a little surprised, so she stretched out her hand to wrap around his waist, buried her head in his chest, took a deep breath, and said, "You're back? Okay, it's fine!"

The nose is slightly sour.

The whole person showed a look of reluctance: "Huang, you are not allowed to scare me like this in the future!"

"Hey, didn't I just watch you sleep soundly!"

That small appearance made Jun Qianhuang's heart tremble with resentment, and with a deep sense of reluctance, she gently rubbed the top of her head: "Hey, I've already booked the inn. No, you go to sleep for a while?"

Frowning, looking at the nervous Yun Feiyue in front of her with a bit of worry, her heart ached even more deeply~
(End of this chapter)

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