Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 953 Chapter 971: What are you?

Chapter 953 Chapter 971: What are you?

"You...what are you!"

Hearing this, without waiting for the people around to react, the girl shook off Yun Feiyue's hand fiercely, with a pale face: "I don't want to go to the government, you woman is really nosy!"

Suddenly, he turned around, trying to rush out of the crowd...

Seeing this, everything is completely dumbfounded!

The man's face was also pale: "I'm sorry, I...I..."


Jun Qianhuang snorted coldly!
"My lord, madam, what should I do with this girl!"

At this time, Chu Tian had twisted and grabbed the girl in front of him back, snorted with disdain, and half-kneeled on the ground: "Why don't you send her to the government!"

"So good!"

Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue said slowly; "So as not to harm the innocent again!"

As she said that, Yun Feiyue threw the money in her hand to the man, and said coldly: "I can't tell the good from the bad, and it's a waste of work. Seeing that the girl is a bit pretty, I forgot that there is a wife and children waiting for you at home." Bread for the family, hum!"

Snort softly!
There is obvious disdain in the eyes!
Turn around and leave like this...

Jun Qianhuang followed her and left slowly...

Hearing this, looking at the silver tael in the palm of his hand, the man's face became hot... Naturally, he also understood that he really lost his mind just now...

"Ma'am, you are still angry!"

Looking at Yun Feiyue who was going upstairs angrily, Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with a helpless smile: "Good girl, don't be angry, isn't it okay for your husband to be wrong?" Xiangcai said, "Be good, be good!"

"Hmph, you men are all virtuous. You keep saying that it is not easy to support your family. When you look at this man and how pretty the girl is, you forget the importance!"



Obviously, this girl brought all this anger on him!
This made Jun Qianhuang's eyes stained with embarrassment: "Good boy, isn't your husband very clear, your husband will never be so ignorant!"

"Do you dare to try it! Watch how I strangle you to death!"

"Yes, yes, ma'am, it's okay if you make a mistake for your husband!"

Wrapping her in his arms with both hands, he showed a slight smile: "Then what are the plans for Madam today?"


She pursed her lips slightly, and said for a while: "You don't seem to have much time, I..."

"You want to find your father!"


Nodding, Yun Feiyue said seriously: "But there is still a month, you..."

"It's okay, I'll just be with you!" Seeing this, how could Jun Qianhuang be willing to let her go?Gently put a kiss on her forehead: "Hey, I'll just be with you!"

"That's what you said!"

Pursing her lips, looking at Jun Qianhuang in front of her, Yun Feiyue's heart was filled with happiness: "By the way, that girl's eyes didn't leave your body just now!" Suddenly, she seemed to think of something again!
Immediately full of displeasure: "Hmph, look at your peach blossoms are also very strong?"

Pfft... Jun Qianhuang was also stunned by these words!

This jump is too big!
However, her showing of jealousy made him very fond of it: "That proves that you have good eyes, and you got such a good husband, didn't you?" He stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead!
"Okay, let's take a break, let's go shopping, let's go and see what happened to the ice fox tomorrow!"

"Yeah!" Nodding, Yun Feiyue did not continue to entangle, and she also had her own thoughts in her heart~
(End of this chapter)

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