Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 957Chapter 975: Hit as soon as you hit, who is afraid of whom?

Chapter 957Chapter 975: Hit as soon as you hit, who is afraid of whom?

'boom boom'

'bang bang bang'

Suddenly, there was a shocking sound!
The girl twisted her eyes, with a bloodthirsty smile, and roared fiercely: "Go to hell! Go to hell!" Those eyes full of blood just stared at Yun Feiyue's direction~
I saw after the aura fell!

A cloud of dust was raised...

However, after the dust fell, he saw a milky white barrier in front of Yun Feiyue, and Yun Feiyue's body was not damaged at all!
Seeing this, the girl's eyes were stained with strong anger!

"No, it's impossible!"

Shaking his head, he held his hand tightly, the corners of his mouth trembling slightly!
She...how could she not be damaged at all by her own attack!No, it's impossible!

"Why is it impossible!" With the barriers all over her body removed, Yun Feiyue had a thick smile on her lips, but her smile made the girl in front of her couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fear...

Watching her slowly approaching me step by step!

The girl's eyes were full of horror: "No, no! Don't come here!" She backed away slightly, her eyes full of vigilance!
"Don't...don't come here!"

Staggering, the whole person fell to the ground, her eyes contracted violently, for some reason, looking at Yun Feiyue in front of her, she felt a kind of fear from the inside out...

"Why don't you come here?"

Yun Feiyue's voice was extraordinarily soft, and her eyes were stained with a deep smile: "Tsk tsk, weren't you very arrogant just now? Why are you suddenly afraid of me? Really, it makes me so worried!"

Slowly approaching the girl!

Slowly squatting down, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she slowly picked her chin: "Scared, huh?"

"You~ what do you want to do!"

Feeling the strong aura from Yun Feiyue's body, the girl suddenly realized that she seemed to have touched the iron plate, and she even felt her body trembling!

"What are you doing, what were you doing just now, what am I doing now!" Shrugged, with a slight smile, he slowly stretched out his hand, and the aura immediately formed a dagger...

Seeing that Yun Feiyue's attack was about to fall...


Hearing a violent roar, I saw a big man rushing out fiercely: "Damn it, you can move my daughter!" His eyes were dyed with raging fire, and that ray of light seemed to kill Yun Feiyue!

Feel this bad look!
Yun Feiyue also turned her head back abruptly, and snorted softly: "Your daughter hurt me, so I will certainly hurt you back!" The dagger raised slightly, and fell hard...

There was a soft brushing sound!
Just like that, her face was scratched, and the blood immediately slid down her face~
"You...you~~you~" Feeling the pain on her face and the slowly sliding liquid, she trembled all over her body, and her eyes were stained with deep hatred: "You...you ruined my Face! Dad..."

So violently weeping!

"Damn it!" The man let out a rage, which made the whole scene freeze... A terrifying momentum was formed~
I saw him take a sudden step and pull the girl into his arms: "Be good, let Daddy teach her a lesson!"

"Girl, are you going too far!"

A young man followed closely, his eyebrows were somewhat similar to the girl in front of him, it seems that they should be brothers and sisters!
I saw that his eyes were stained with strong anger: "How can I ruin my sister!"

"Tsk tsk, if you're not blind, you would have seen it at the time. It was your sister who made the move first!" Yun Feiyue couldn't help showing a look of surprise. These people followed the girl from the beginning!

Why, when this girl started doing it, were all of them blind?

(End of this chapter)

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