Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 959 Chapter 977: Ma'am, why bother with mad dogs?

Chapter 959 Chapter 977: Ma'am, why bother with mad dogs?

"Okay, sister don't cry!"

As he said that, the aura in the young man's hand formed a long sword, and he swung it towards Yun Feiyue's face... Immediately, Yun Feiyue turned around sharply, avoiding the young man's attack!

It's just that this young man has a few brushes!
Turning around, he reacted quickly, and the long sword stabbed at the back of Yun Feiyue's head!
"Ma'am, be careful!"

Jun Qianhuang's words made Yun Feiyue snort!
Sensing the attack behind her, Yun Feiyue's fingers speeded up, and the long soft whip danced in her palm like this. Instead of turning around, she attacked the boy from the side with the whip...

Feel the true breath of the whip!
The young man's expression also changed suddenly, and he had to give up his attack on Yun Feiyue, barely avoiding the long whip~
"Tsk tsk, now it's my turn!!"

As she said that, her body jumped violently, and the soft whip hit the boy's face fiercely again... "Ah, brother, be careful!" The girl watched the soft whip fall fiercely towards her brother... …

There was a sound of brushing!

Immediately, the strong smell of blood filled the air again... the girl was furious in her heart: "Go to hell!"

Seeing the soft whip falling towards the boy! !
The girl aroused people's anger, and attacked her with a strong aura... At the same time, Yun Feiyue showed a strange smile: "Xiao Luan, don't come out yet, let me wait dead?"

"Alright, Scarlet Moon!"

Hearing this, Xiaoluan came out slowly, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, and he opened his hands fiercely... With a strengthened momentum, he attacked the girl and his father viciously go down...

"Hmph, Feiyue is also something you can hurt?"

There was deep disdain in the eyes, that terrible attack fell like this... There was a 'bang' sound, and the bodies of the two fell to the ground with a 'bang bang'~
'Puff' sound~
A thick stream of blood spurted out of the girl's mouth... her eyes were full of fear!

"Tsk tsk, your backing is not good!"

At the same time, the girl's body was also under Yun Feiyue's attack, and with a 'bang' sound, she fell to the ground fiercely!

All the people couldn't help shivering because of the hot weather in front of them!

Damn, this girl is too scary!

It seems that it is not big enough, but this aura... makes people unable to bear the fear from the bottom of their hearts!
"Ma'am, that's great!"

Yun Feiyue slowly restrained her momentum, and Jun Qianhuang walked over slowly, holding her in her arms, with a gentle smile: "Ma'am, it's time to test now, we can We're going up the mountain!"

"Bah, I don't want to talk to you!" She pouted, but she hadn't forgotten the man's so-called backing just now!
Ah, Nima!

With Yun Feiyue's small appearance, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but smile softly!
Just follow behind her!

The man in charge of the test looked at the situation in front of him, and his face had already softened a bit. He could clearly feel the girl's terrifying aura just now, and Jun Qianhuang's obvious pampering behind him, he is not a fool!

It seems that the abilities of these two people are definitely not bad!
During the natural test, Jun Qianhuang concealed her ability a little bit, just enough, and soon the two received their qualification certificates, and then sat in a restaurant not far away, waiting for the unification to open the door and let them go!
(End of this chapter)

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