Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 969 Chapter 987: Interference from the Upper Realm

Chapter 969 Chapter 987: Interference from the Upper Realm

"Whether they go in or not, I won't stop them, feel free!"

Chu Xiao acted as if I had already explained the matter clearly, anyway, if you want to go, that’s fine, I won’t block it, just give me the certificate of life and death! "So, you have to go in and test first, and then set a life and death certificate!"

Looking at this, although everyone's hearts are a little impulsive, they are not stupid after all, and naturally they will not be so stupid that they can't get along with themselves!
quite a while!

No one said to follow!

This made the two of them feel a faint sigh of relief, with a hint of excitement!
"I'll go first!" Mu Yang washed his hands and slowly covered the crystal ball. Suddenly, the crystal ball shone with bursts of light, immediately making the eyes of the people below brighten a bit!
"Oh my god, this person is really powerful, this... Who is this person, he looks about the same age as us!?"

"It's amazing!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva: "I'm going to the king class!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really scary!"

After the two tested it, everyone was surprised by their terrifying aura. Although they also had a faint impulse in their hearts, it seemed that these two people were not easy to get along with!

I'm talking, there are only two people!

Well, should they just keep waiting?

"Congratulations, you can go in!"

Nodding his head, Chu Xiao could only slightly disdain the abilities of the two of them, and wanted to fight the king just like that, hum!so what!It's just that the eyes are still peaceful, and the two of them are in a state of life and death very quickly!

After the two made a life and death statement, they walked in quickly!
Seeing the two walk in, the others couldn't help being envious!
"Your Majesty, how do you deal with this man!"

Chu Xuan slowly asked beside Jun Qianhuang: "This person is also treacherous, it seems that he won't come out so soon!"


Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang showed an inscrutable expression!

He looked at Chu Xuan with slightly raised eyebrows, and said slowly: "No matter how treacherous he is, he is going for this ice fox. Does he think that this will let them get the ice fox first?" His slender fingers caressed the cloud slightly. Crimson Moon's sleeping face!

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth; "Then let him come out!"

"King? You mean?"

Soon, Chu Xuan made a gesture of wiping his neck... showing a gleam of excitement!

"Go, don't tell me, you mere kings can't do anything about it!" Slowly lowering his eyes, the bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense, making people feel panicked!

Seeing this, Chu Xuan knew in his heart, get rid of the two of them, and throw out the corpses!
"My subordinates understand!"

Well, when the corpse is thrown out, it will be treated as a monster, so that everyone can be indirectly told that there are indeed terrible monsters here!

In addition, you can force that person out!

After Chu Xuan's figure slowly disappeared, Yun Feiyue slowly opened her eyes, and looked at her husband with a smug smile: "Tsk tsk, you are really good. In this way, not only can you Can forcing them out make people quieter?"

"It's good that Ma'am knows!"

"Hey, it looks like they are all kings, what kind of terrible thing is this upper realm!"

"The abilities of the Upper Realm are similar to those of our Longxuan Continent, but their boundaries are bigger, and the room for promotion is just bigger! The relative aura is also better than ours, so the speed of promotion is faster!"

(End of this chapter)

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