Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 972 Chapter 990: Start to be restless

Chapter 972 Chapter 990: Start to be restless

Time is slowly passing by!
When all the people couldn't help but get excited, they watched the small team not far away slowly approaching~
"Hey, does this seem to be some kind of mercenary group?"

"It looks like they are all scary!"

"Tsk tsk, there are at least forty people!"

"Don't you think they have a lot of evil spirits?"

"It seems that this team is terrible, the king probably won't come?" Immediately, all the people looked at this team with a bit of displeasure!Some people couldn't help complaining: "Really, it's better to come earlier, at least don't give us hope!"

"Hey, these people are really hateful!"

"It's just, hey, hey~ It seems that there is no way, bear with it!"

"It would be great if you don't come, our king, my concubine~~"

Listening to the wailing in her ear, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but raise a sly smile: "Sure enough, my husband is still likable, but this person seems very familiar, this breath..."

"Well, this is the person who is quite late!"

"Hiss! ~ Sure enough, these forces are really involved!"

"Okay, there's no need not to provoke them for the time being, I want to know what these people want to do!" Slightly squinting, Jun Qianhuang's eyes fell on the group of people!
Seeing these people walking over slowly, I saw the first few men in the crowd standing up respectfully!

The strong disdain at the corner of Jun Qianhuang's mouth is also a bit stronger!

"Oh my god, aren't these people from Blackwater City?" Yun Feiyue suddenly understood a little bit!

The anger and disdain in his eyes also became stronger, and he held Jun Qianhuang's hand tightly: "These people really hooked up together! Hmph, none of the ice foxes really can fall into their hands! "

"Don't worry, I've already sent someone to follow them, and I'll have information by then!"

"En!" Leaning her head on his body, Yun Feiyue slowly closed her eyes, and said softly: "Okay, haven't you been waiting for them to come up these days? Don't worry now! "

Soon, the group of people slowly approached the crystal ball, and the head elder said slowly with a look of indifference: "We want to enter this Demon Dragon Ridge, don't we know that we will have this opportunity?"

"Of course!"

Nodding his head, Chu Xiao's eyes seemed to be relieved: "Why don't you test your abilities one by one first. If your abilities are strong enough, we can open up this place. Everyone is just waiting and anxious!"

"Hmph, how can our ability fail!"

The man standing behind the Great Elder had a look of disdain!

Lifting her chin a little arrogantly, she snorted softly!
"Sorry, this is the rule!" Hearing this, Chu Xiao's expression didn't change much, he just smiled slightly: "Then please start the tests one by one!"


Nodding slightly, the Great Elder and his party showed no special expressions!
I saw that after the Great Elder cleaned his hands at a high speed, he slowly covered the crystal ball with his hands, and suddenly the crystal ball shone with frantic light, which shocked everyone...

"Oh my god! How can this person be so powerful!"

"It really scared me to death!"

"Hey, this is a requirement that I will never be able to meet in my next life!"

Immediately, everyone started talking, and naturally they were more envious~
(End of this chapter)

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