Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 974 Chapter 992: Eagle Mercenary Group

Chapter 974 Chapter 992: Eagle Mercenary Group


The big man looked at the package that Yun Feiyue handed over in front of him, feeling a little embarrassed and grateful: "I really want to thank you, girl. If it weren't for you, I would have suffered a lot!"

He took the package over with a grateful face: "This is the pill for our entire mercenary group. I haven't had time to divide it up yet. Thank you girl, otherwise..." At this point, the man's face also showed a hint of panic!
If it wasn't for this girl who picked it up!

I'm afraid I won't be able to explain myself when I share the elixir later!The entire mercenary group will be busy in vain!

If the girl picked it up and refused to give it to me, there was nothing I could do about it, but now the girl gave it back to me carelessly, with deep gratitude in her heart: "Girl, please forgive someone Cao for not being able to give away the elixir here! "

"It's okay!"

Yun Feiyue shook her head, she could clearly feel the kindness of this man!
She also understood that these pills belonged to the mercenary group, not individuals. If he could send the group's things as if they were personal things, she would doubt his motives! "I understand too!"

"But the girl's kindness cannot be broken!"

Shaking his head, he quickly took out a few pills from his pocket: "Girl, although there aren't enough of them here, they are god-level pills, and I own them all. I'm grateful to share half of them." ..."




Yun Feiyue's face darkened!

Seeing the sincerity on the face of the man in front of her, she could clearly feel the preciousness of this elixir. This man was able to do this to thank herself!
Can't help it, Yun Feiyue has more affection for him in her heart!
I saw Yun Feiyue nodded slightly: "Uncle, I think if I don't accept it, you must feel bad from the bottom of your heart, but if you ask for too much, I will also feel bad from the bottom of my heart, why don't I just take one, how about it?"

Randomly picked a pill and put it in her hand, Yun Feiyue smiled slightly!

"Okay, remember, I'm Cao Lihui, the elder of the Eagle Mercenary Group. If you need anything in the future, don't forget me!" Looking at Yun Feiyue's expression, the big man knew she was serious!
From the bottom of my heart, I have a sincere liking for the girl in front of me!
He stretched out his hand and patted his chest, and said seriously: "Then Mr. Cao will not bother you, see you in Molongling in the future!"

"Alright, see you at Demon Dragon Ridge!"

Nodding her head, seeing Cao Lihui disappear in front of her eyes like this, Yun Feiyue showed a slight smile: "This man is very enthusiastic!"

"Well, but do you know the Eagle Mercenary Group?"

"Well, how come you have a lot of background?"

"Well, the Eagle Mercenary Group can be regarded as a second-rate mercenary group. Although it is not a first-rate mercenary group, the second-rate mercenary group is also very good. If you can get his favor, it may be better for you in the future! "

"Tsk tsk, a mere second-rate, you just keep it in your heart?"

"Yes, although they are classified as second-rate, if I remember correctly, their strength has actually reached the first-rate standard. What's more, Cao Lihui is famous, not only for his outstanding ability, but also for his loyalty!"

"That doesn't mean he's..."

"Tsk tsk, loyalty doesn't mean she's honest, and it doesn't mean she's stupid. It's more that he knows what the bottom line is, what he can do and what he can't do. It would be good if such a person can be wooed!"

Fingers, gently stroking his chin!
There is a different feeling about Cao Lihui in his eyes~~
(End of this chapter)

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