Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 988 1007: Forcibly promoted

Chapter 988 1007: Forcibly promoted
I saw a piece of yellow sand billowing from time to time in the realm of gods!
Sometimes a frozen snow field!
Sometimes deep in the blue sea~

Seeing the endless changes, all the people held their breath, only to see the figures of the two entangled fiercely, inseparable!

"Tsk tsk, this young man is really perverted. He is actually so strong in the realm of gods. It seems that this girl is lucky, otherwise...wouldn't she be waiting to die?"

"Damn it, we actually need a young girl to protect us!"

"His name is Yue Yun, I will remember this kindness!"

Although the members of the mercenary group were rough, they were all men after all. Naturally, everyone would keep such kindness in their hearts!
"Xiao Yue'er, that's amazing!"

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with excitement, and she gently stroked her chin with her fingers!
Seeing Yun Feiyue getting stronger every time!
He felt that his heart was about to melt. It could be said that she grew up step by step while watching her!

"My lord, aren't you worried about your concubine?" Long Yan's slightly anxious voice came from his mind: "Isn't this person from the upper realm? Now that he has taken this elixir, he's not even a little bit higher!"

"Well, don't forget, the king's concubine is best at pills!"


"Anyone who takes pills to advance to the next level will naturally have terrible consequences. For the same reason, they have their own terrible weaknesses. I think Xiaoyue'er must know it!" Smiling softly!

Looking at Yun Feiyue's frightened eyes in the crystal ball!
Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but soften a little in her heart.


Seeing that the young man had already been trampled by Yun Feiyue, a voice of rage came from the sky, and the blood-red eyes of the First Elder were stained with deep hatred!


A figure appeared in front of my eyes!

"You let him go!"



Burn in his chest!
"Let him go?" Puchi, Yun Feiyue laughed lightly, and saw that she had torn away the realm of God like a finger, and then said frightened: "Just now he wanted to kill someone, didn't he I'm going to kill him, can't I save myself!"

"Aren't you all right?"

"I don't like hearing the same thing a second time!"

Shrugging her shoulders, Yun Feiyue's toes ruthlessly ran over the boy's face, and then said: "Old man, don't you want to forget your memory when you are old? How dare you offend me again?"


These words made the face of the Great Elder change instantly!
Only then did I realize that it was the girl who murdered the girl in the carriage!

"Girl, you've already killed one of us, enough is enough!" With a dark face and deep anger: "Don't you want to kill the second one?"

"Killing one is killing, killing two is killing!"

There is only a thick bloodthirsty in the eyes: "You people are so bad, you dare to snatch things at will, and become kings and hegemony, then you will have to bear the punishment of death!"

"You!! Let him go!"

The great elder's eyes were stained with thick bloodthirsty, and there was a surge of anger in his heart. He had never encountered such a thing before!
This made the apex of his heart tremble: "Let him go, this deity can forget the past!"

let bygones be bygones

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue almost laughed!Looking at the great elder in front of him with a funny expression, he said calmly: "If you don't let go! How about you take it, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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