Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 998 Chapter 1017: Ice Fox?

Chapter 998 Chapter 1017: Ice Fox?
"Hey, did you bring me here just to disappear for me to see?"


Yun Feiyue couldn't help but snorted softly: "Nimma, are you looking for me for fun?"

He chopped his foot hard!

At this moment, there seemed to be a howling sound from the end of the grass, which made Yun Feiyue feel a little uneasy in her heart, and followed the sound to search for the past, only to see a unicorn lying on the ground at the moment!
That white fur was stained with a layer of blood!
The eyes are stained with pain!

The hiss~~hiss~~ sound came out of his mouth like this, which shows how painful he is at this moment!
This is a monster that symbolizes light!

However, such things seem to have disappeared ten thousand years ago!
God, what's going on here?
I saw the unicorn lying on its side on the ground, looking at me with pleading eyes, and there were thick bloodstains on the feet!The whole scene is very messy!
"Human, can you help me?"

I don't know how long it took before the unicorn slowly raised its eyes, enduring the pain: "I summoned you here, I hope you don't get angry!"

"Ah? You summoned me? Why?"

"You have the breath of vitality in your body, and only in this way can you break through the ice sheet and find my foothold!" The unicorn said slowly, "Thank you!"




I haven't agreed to help yet!

I don't want to help yet! !
Why thank me!
Nima, it's really good to kidnap me like this, it didn't scare me to death!
"Human, naturally I have revenge for you!" The corner of the unicorn's mouth slightly raised a shallow smile: "I am a bright beast, also known as a unicorn, and the position you are in now is tens of thousands. Every year's position!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's heart was full of excitement, and her eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "Then, what does it mean?"

"It means that you can find things from ten thousand years ago here within a certain period of time. As for what it is, it is naturally your luck!"

I have to say, such luck is also good!
But in the end there is no real thing, Yun Feiyue is naturally unwilling to miss this opportunity to blackmail: "Although it sounds good, but God knows what I can look for, and what is the time limit!"

"Human beings can never suffer!"

Shaking his head, Bright Beast said lightly, "Do you like that fox just now?"


Thinking of the little fox just now, Yun Feiyue immediately liked it a little bit in her heart: "Well, it looks pretty good!" Well, I like you and I like it. After all, I already have Xiaojiu in my hand, and if there is another fox, maybe Xiaojiu Nine is not happy!

Are you saying, such a small fox is not big enough for a palm, so it is really easy to take care of?

Frowning, Yun Feiyue looked at the Bright Beast in front of her!

Don't say she is not kind enough, in fact, this thing has survived for tens of millions of years, so it means it is not so weak, so it is natural to take this opportunity to talk about your own interests!

"That fox is no ordinary thing!"

The Bright Beast seemed to be able to see what was going on in Yun Feiyue's heart!
Still staring at Yun Feiyue in front of her eyes, she said slowly: "Isn't this what you have always wanted? For tens of thousands of years, hasn't everyone been looking for it time and time again?"

These words made Yun Feiyue dumbfounded for a moment... What's the situation?

(End of this chapter)

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