The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1007 Strong Peak!

Chapter 1007 Strong Peak!

"Well, as long as you are willing to surrender,

I will let you go! Gao Feng stopped in his tracks and said to him. "Let me go?"Let... I leave? Hearing Gao Feng's words, Haig's heart was shaken, and he asked nah. Gao Feng sneered and said, "What are you thinking about?"Whether to let you go or not depends on Saudi law, I can't make the decision!By letting you go, I mean not letting you lie on the ground like your subordinates, shame on you! "

Gao Feng's words made Haig's face filled with despair, and he raised the gun just after he lowered it, hesitating very much.Gao Feng said in a cold voice with some impatience: "My patience is limited, you don't have much time!" Haig looked at the cold Gao Feng, and suddenly let out a long sigh, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. He fell to the ground, drooping his head in frustration, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.Seeing that Haig had already been captured, Gao Feng lost interest in him, but turned his attention to the two special forces members who were controlling Du Ziji.

Gao Feng's gloomy gaze made the two of them tremble involuntarily, and they subconsciously tightened their grip on the guns. "What are you waiting for, let them go! Do you want to become like them?" "Nonsense! We are not useless mercenaries!" Di Yajiao shouted.Gao Feng turned to look at her, and said with a wry smile: "Miss, just cooperate with me and don't make it difficult for me? Let Mr. President go, and my task will be completed. Why do you have to tear yourself apart? Diya raised her eyebrows and said, "Since you came to rescue Du Ziji, you are our enemy, but I don't understand, since you are an enemy, why did you save me just now?" Hearing Diya's question, Gao Feng There was a wry smile in his heart, he didn't know why, he was still stuffed in the gourd.

Shaking his head, Gao Gao said: "You don't need to worry about it, you just need to listen to my words and let him go." Di Ya said angrily: "Du Ziji is our life-saving talisman, we handed him over to you, what should we do Gao Feng shrugged his shoulders, and said casually: "This is your problem." "You!..." Gao Feng's 'rogue' annoyed Diya for a while, and said bitterly: "If you want us to take the initiative to release people, Impossible! Come grab it if you have the ability!" Gao Feng frowned, and asked lightly: "Is this really your last choice?" Although the individual combat ability of the team members is slightly stronger than that of the mercenaries, the combined combat power of a dozen mercenaries has far exceeded that of the seven special forces members. Even they were defeated in the blink of an eye. Disintegration, let alone the special forces members, although Diya's mouth is very tough, but she has no confidence in her heart.

Looking at Gao Feng's coldly flashing eyes, Diya swallowed involuntarily.It is better to strike first, and to suffer later.Facing a master like Gao Feng, only a surprise attack has the possibility of success.Deya was certain in her heart, she winked at her seven partners, scolded her, and launched an attack first.Like a graceful lightning bolt straight to the peak.At the same time, the other seven special forces members also launched an attack at the same time as if they had negotiated.The eight people get along day and night, live and die together, and the tacit understanding is surprisingly high.The eight attack waves interlinked with each other and interweaved into a net, and they slammed down on Gao Feng fiercely.

Faced with the eight people's rushing attack, Gao Feng let out a loud laugh, and his figure suddenly spread out, entangled with the eight people uncertainly.There are shadows of legs, fist wind, and palm strength everywhere around the peak, which looks very dangerous.However, Gao Feng, who was in it, seemed to be unaware of it, with a relaxed smile on his face all the time.The movement of the body is completely beyond the common sense of physics.His body sometimes became dignified like a mountain, sometimes light like a feather, sometimes hard as iron, and sometimes weak and boneless. The tormented Diya and the others were going crazy, but they couldn't help him at all.

Gao Feng's dodging is like a physical art, which shocks people's vision.And the unimaginable actions he made at the moment of imminent danger made Diya and the others both horrified and attracted by them. "He's teasing us! He just needs to raise his hand and he can settle us down!" Di Ya suddenly had such a feeling in her heart.The feeling frustrates her, but reason tells her it's real.Diya is a militant girl, she never lacked the unyielding will to fight at any time in the past, but now her will is like curling smoke floating in the wind.The more I fought, the stronger this feeling became, and finally, Di Ya's figure flashed away from the battle circle.

It doesn't matter if she leaves, but it brings bad luck to her companions.Gao Feng firmly remembered the death order given to him by Lightning in his heart, absolutely not to hurt Diya.Therefore, when Diya was around, Gao Feng was afraid that letting go of the attack would hurt Diya, so most of them focused on dodging. Even the occasional few attacks were just point-to-point and did not dare to use all their strength. .This is also the reason why Di Ya and his partners can support until now.As soon as Di Ya retreated, Gao Feng's scruples disappeared immediately, his figure suddenly accelerated, and his firepower was fully fired.Punches and kicks, shadows of palms flying, a series of dazzling attacks came down, the seven team members groaned almost at the same time, and fell to the ground.

Di Ya planned to stop Gao Feng after quitting, but before she could yell out, all this had already happened.Diya stared blankly at the seven partners lying on the ground who could no longer move, the horror on her face was even stronger than before.Outside the stadium, the person in charge of Saudi security, who was observing all this through the monitoring equipment in the stadium, saw that the situation had been controlled by Gao Feng, and immediately issued an order for a storm. , Diya and the wounded mercenaries and special forces surrounded her. When Diya woke up from the shock brought to her by the peak, Du Ziji was out of danger and was blocked by several strong Saudi soldiers. , If you want to catch him again, I am afraid it will be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

"Is everything over like this?" Deya was full of frustration, and looked at Gao Feng with some resentment.Looking at Di Ya's faintly red eyes, Gao Feng's heart shrank suddenly as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. "Hahaha...Mr. Gaofeng, you saved me again this time. I don't know how to thank you. After I deal with these criminals, I will definitely invite you to have a good drink!" Du Ziji, after escaping from danger, Looking at Gao Feng full of excitement and gratitude, he said with a smile.Gao Feng frowned slightly, and nodded slightly, but his eyes fell on Diya involuntarily.At this time, Diya was surrounded by a deep sadness, which deeply stimulated Gao Feng's desire to protect this woman, and made his blood boil for it.But his loyalty to Lightning kept Gao Feng from acting rashly.

"Son, I hurt you!" Seeing that the situation had developed to such an extent that it was irreversible, Alpha sighed a long time, and said to Diya, full of guilt.Diya shook her head resolutely, and said, "No, grandpa, this is my own choice, and I don't blame you. If there is a second chance to choose, I will still do it!" Alpha was moved, held her hand tightly, and said with trembling lips: "Diya, my good boy!..."

"Take them all away!" Du Ziji waved at Di Ya and Alpha, and shouted in a deep voice.A few rude Saudi soldiers rushed forward immediately, twisted Diya's hand behind him, saw a trace of pain on Diya's face, Gao Feng's heart trembled again, and at this moment, from Lightning's new order came from his earphones, "Stop Du Ziji, save that lady!" Before Lightning's words had fully landed, Gao Feng had already shouted, "Stop!" I don't know if it was because he was too excited or because In addition, Gao Feng's voice was unusually loud, like a thunderbolt under a clear sky. Everyone present was taken aback by his roar, and stared at him blankly.

Lightning, who was sitting in the VIP room, also heard Gao Feng's loud roar, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Looking at Shen Zhenxin with a faint smile, he said, "Did you hear that roar from a man! It seems that I am The beautiful woman Gao Feng chose is quite to his liking, hehe..."

Deya, who was already in despair, suddenly heard the roar of Gao Feng, her heart trembled, the fire of hope was rekindled, her pair of pretty eyes were refilled with hope, she fixedly looked at Gao Feng, there seemed to be many something else.Du Ziji frowned, looked at him full of doubts and asked: "Mr. Gao, do you have anything else to say?" She!" "Ah?" Gao Feng's words stunned Du Ziji for a moment, and he looked at him puzzled, and asked, "You...what did you say?"

Gao Feng fixedly looked at Diya, and Diya was also looking at him. In such a short sentence, the two seemed to have communicated for as long as a century. The strangeness between them was like lard. When it encountered a hot pot, it melted at an astonishing speed.Seeing Gao Feng only looking at Di Ya, but ignoring himself, Du Ziji felt something was wrong in his heart, and asked, "Mr. Gao Feng, what do you mean?" Is it difficult to understand? Then I will say it again, let your people let her go, and I will take her away!" Facing Du Ziji, Gao Feng looked very domineering, and Diya's eyes became brighter.

Du Ziji frowned tightly, and said with changing eyes: "This... this is probably not good. What she committed was an unforgivable crime. If you let him go like this, I, the president, can't seem to give me Soldiers, my people, please explain to me?" Gao Feng said, "What should I explain? A soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, and the last thing he needs is explanations and explanations. In the eyes of your politicians, the people are probably the most foolish group of people in the world. , can it be difficult for you? Mr. President, didn’t you just say that you don’t know how to repay my life-saving grace? Now as long as you release Diya, you will never owe me anything again!”

(End of this chapter)

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